Extra 2: Yu Kai's Mary Sue Adventures

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"That, actually......" The girl blushed, her face appearing helpless as she hesitated for a long while before finally summoning up the courage to say the words that she had hidden in her heart for a long time.

"Senior Dongfang, I like you!"

Standing in front of her was a beautiful young man with "long blue hair and a handsome appearance to the point where others couldn't gaze upon him directly". "Without exception, every action of his manifested the elegance of nobility, and he had a gentlemanly demeanour that caused one to reach a comfort of the highest degree." That's right, this person was the male god of St. Mary Noble College, Dongfang Chufeng.

When bringing up the man Dongfang Chufeng, one had to mention his world-famous vocalist grandfather, pianist father and violinist mother. Being born in a well-known musical family, Dongfang Chufang was also a musical genius. At the age of one he knew how to hum songs, and at the age of two knew how to play the piano when he was two. He already knew how to compose music at the age of three, and at the age of seven, he could play in a concert at the Vienna Golden Hall. Thus, thousands of media outlets vied to report about him as a——musical genius.

Faced with such an outstanding man, it was no wonder that Lei Lishang, Yidie Qianling and Yingxi Yaxue (Hereinafter referred to as Yaxue), who were noble and as beautiful as dreams, were all attracted to him. You had to know that Yaxue's mother was the direct descendant, the princess, of the European royal family. Ever since she was born, she had a castle spanning across hundreds of millions of acres of land, tens of thousands of servants and bodyguards, and hundreds of luxury cars to accompany her on long journeys. Every day, she would sleep in an extremely large greenhouse full of fresh flowers and the song of birds. The food she ate was food air-flown from all over the world that was worth thousands of gold.

Although Princess Yaxue had such a luxurious life, but! She didn't live happily! Because she hadn't found that destined prince of hers. Hence, she decided to pretend to be a civilian and go to St. Mary Noble College!

What she didn't expect was that she would actually meet that person who could make her heart suddenly feel so excited. This person was the man who didn't care about the cheap clothes on her body that were actually worth a million yuan and had gently lifted her from the ground—Dongfang Chufeng! At that moment, she knew her heart had moved!

"Dongfang Chu Feng" gazed at the infatuated female lead in front of him expressionlessly, forcefully suppressing the impulse to turn away. He gritted his teeth and threw out his lines one word at a time, "Yaxue, although you are beautiful and lovely and I'm very happy with every day I get to spend with you, unfortunately, I can't be with you."

The female lead looked at him with eyes brimming with tears. She shook her head and said, "I'm not listening, I'm not listening! I know you love me! You must have some difficulties! Tell me, Dongfang! I'm willing to solve it with you!"

"......" Yu Kai's mouth twitched for a moment before he ground his teeth and continued reciting his lines, "The Dongfang Family has had generations of wealth and influence. I can never marry a girl of ordinary origins. It is best that you give up as soon as possible."

The female lead was shocked. It turns out that the senior who was different from the rest in her heart was also a powerful person! She had misjudged him!

The female lead flipped her beautiful pink locks, the position at which she was turned towards the sunset making her look beautiful. She wiped her crystal-clear tears and sprinted away. Yu Kai who was left behind revealed an expression of pain and helplessness. In fact, he didn't need to act, his mood right now was already in pain! And helpless!

He shouldn't have believed what Fan Yuan said about "The missions in the lower plane are really interesting though they're simple. There's a new kind of fun every day. Dear, you really don't want to experience it yourself, dear? There are many pleasant surprises!" Lies!

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