Graduation Party (1st story)

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Katsuki's POV
well, i guess this is it. 3 years, the best times of my life, some making me want to burn the whole school down or just drop out, maybe kill myself at times but let's not talk about that. izuku (katsuki got used to calling him by that after a little while, he'll use "zuzu" sometimes too) and i have been dating since our 2nd year, i first asked him out on his birthday, he never seemed to care for his birthday and i wanted to change that. but then we officially started dating in september, the beginning of our second year. hes improved a lot since the first year, black whip (SPOILERS FOR SEASON 5!!!) his second quirk, man he's been doing really good with it, he can pick up things now, hold them, grab things, swing himself around, wrap it to capture shit, much more. but this is where our time at UA ends, here, right on June 24. but it's June 22nd right now, the day we have our graduation party, i have to get all dressed up and shit for this. gross. but 'zuku is why i'm going, well i was going to go anyways but he makes me want to go more. for all i know the music they're going to play is going to be their dumb shit for a while. just to get laughs out of people. the party is for class 1-A only tonight. class 1-B was yesterday and 1-C was two days ago, it goes like that until the lowest class (stupid shit, i was panicking i don't know a lot of the classes) so we're last. 2 days before we graduate.. shit i don't want to leave, i guess i don't have a choice though. *ding!*
eh? oh, it's izuku, hm, is he alright? he should be getting ready, the party starts in 20 minutes. (bold font is always texts)
zuzu 💚🦴🥦: Hey Kacchan!

suki 🧡🤬💥: hey what's up? you almost ready?

zuzu 💚🦴🥦:  just wanted to check in, i'm ready. are you?

suki 🧡🤬💥: yeah, i'm ready. check on those dumbass' yet?

zuzu 💚🦴🥦: no i havent, check on your dumbass' yet?

suki 🧡🤬💥: nope

zuzu 💚🦴🥦: i want it to start already i'm bored waiting here -_-

suki 🧡🤬💥: want me to come over for a bit?

zuzu 💚🦴🥦: really?????

suki 🧡🤬💥: mhm, i'm kinda bored too

zuzu 💚🦴🥦: 100%!!!!!!

suki 🧡🤬💥: alright alright, calm your ass down, i'll be there in 5

zuzu 💚🦴🥦: yes! love you bubs <3

suki 🧡🤬💥: love you too zuku

zuzu 💚🦴🥦: <3

suki 🧡🤬💥: <333

well, heading over to izuku's then i guess. he always finds a way to entertain me. with the way we are, dating for a more than a year, our classmates always ask us if we've had sex before which i don't get, just because we're dating doesn't mean we need to have sex. we can have fun with our clothes on, we don't need them off to have a good time so what the hell. both izuku and i promised each other that we wouldn't do that until we were married, no sex before marriage, that's what we planned even when we first started dating. yeah, i know he can't get pregnant because he's a boy but we still think it's wrong to do it before marriage, especially while we're teenagers still. i mean technically i'm an adult now but he's still 17, i'm 18. for his birthday next month i'm taking him to the movies, dinner, and then taking him to visit Rody and his siblings. (NEW MHA MOVIE CHARACTER: Rody - World Hero's Mission) he's been talking about flying back to see Rody again but i keep telling him to hold off for a bit, i cant tell him that we're visiting them for his birthday though. which is pretty hard but i guess it doesn't really matter as long as i don't say anything about it to 'zuku.
30 minutes later
Izuku's POV
"what's up losers" kacchan says to the class right when we walk in, he's pretty dumb sometimes but it's funny. i love him so much, i'm so glad that we made up!
"YO! YOU GUYS LOOK SO GOOD, AND YOU'RE MATCHING?!" denki screams from behind us so we quickly turn around, staring at him. yes, i convinced kacchan to match me a bit, we both were supposed to wear black pants, any shirt we wanted, and put a hair clip in our hair, he has a green one to look like me and i have an orange one so it's like him. we then have on our shirts pins of both of us, the stores are now selling merchandise of class 1-A, some other classes too but mainly us. so we both bought each others, but we did show we were dating in an interview once. now they make ones of both of us together, we have that one on our shoes.
"yeah! hey denks! you look great too!" he has a yellow shirts on with grey pants, jirou's earring that she gave him, they're matching earrings, and a bracelet on that i made for him.
"hey babe" jirou says walking in front of denki and kissing him on the cheek.
"DAMN YOU LOOK HOT AF, NO CAP" he backs up and says to jirou, she just laughs and so does some of our other classmates. uraraka is wearing a pale, sky blue, puffy dress that just goes above her knees. tsu is wearing a black and green dress, green stripes down the sleeves and the rest black. they're dating. then there's kirishima and mina, dating as well, kiri is wearing a red shirt with a bit of white on the sleeves and mina is wearing a long, red dress with a slit by her left leg and a collar (ATTACHED TO THE DRESS WTH) with a heart cut out of it. shouto isn't dating anyone, he says he has no interest in anybody, momo also isn't dating anyone, but she's rooming with one of her friends outside of school. everyone else is single, it's just us few that are dating people.
"attention all class 1-A students! time to start this party! some rules for the party are: don't spill anything, meaning don't spill any drinks, food, desserts, etc. no running around, and don't push or grab people if they don't want to be touched. now that that's covered the booth will be taking song requests, so any song you want just come up front and tell us, we'll put it on queue for you! now have a great party class 1-A students! Happy Graduation!" came off the speakers around the room, and then everyone starting to pick their seats for later. everyone was given a small cardboard rectangle with a pin on the back to claim a seat so nothing gets mixed up. of course, kacchan and i picked to sit next to each other, table 2, seats 6 and 7. we put the pins on the cloth of the chair and headed off to the front of the room, where they turned on the music and you could chat or just dance. kacchan and i met up with shouto, denki, and kirishima and chatted for about 15 minutes before the speakers turned on again.
"All couples attend on the dance floor for this dance please, slow dance with everyone else." the speakers announced.
"do we have to go up there though?" kacchan asked me, he knows how to dance pretty well but i don't as well. i do know how to dance but not fast, it has to be a slow dance otherwise i get mixed up with some things.
"c'mon! it'll be fun!" i say grabbing his arm and pulling him up front, mina and kirishima are up here, uraraka and tsu are as well, along with denki and jirou.
that's when As the World Caves In starts playing really loud on the speakers. i love this song! it's such a calming song to listen to, kacchan and i actually danced to this once or twice i mean maybe more, i dunno, it was so fun though!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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