Chapter eight

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Dean had not mentioned Carson for four whole days, which Millie was happy about. He had been mad when she had arrived back from her catching up with Carson, but Millie had been harsh back, being fed up explaining herself.

"He is a demon! What do you not understand about that? He's a monster!" Dean yelled.

"Do you really think I care what he is? If it wasn't for him, I would have been alone for ten fucking years, Dean! He was there when I needed to vent, or cry or just punch something".

"I just need to know how much he means to you, and how far you're willing to go for him" Dean seemed to understand how much Carson had helped his sister during her awful long time in Hell.

"He means a lot" Millie paused; she knew what Dean wanted to hear. "However, if he does anything that might hurt you, Sam or Bobby, I will kill him myself, and he knows that" even if Carson was her friend, her family was her first priority, on matter what. "I know he is a demon Dean, and believe me, I know demons better than anyone. I know what they are capable of, I've experienced it firsthand, but never question my loyalty again, it lies in the right place, with family, always".

The three siblings were currently riding the Impala, on their way to a hunt. Dean was fast asleep in the back, as Millie drove, and Sam had shotgun. Sam was waiting for Millie to ask him about how he escaped Azazel back in the old church. And when she finally asked, Sam had no idea how to answer. He knew their sister well enough to know she knew when people were lying to her. So, Sam did the only thing he could think of, he told her the truth.

Millie sat listening to her brother about how he was basically a demon-blood-addict and had been since Dean died. He was drinking it from Ruby, and she had helped him control it. He could exorcise demons with his bare hands, saving a lot of lives in the process. Millie understood, even how bad it sounded, that her little brother really thought he was doing what was right. As Sam finished to tell his big sister about everything, finally being able to let it out, he pleaded that she couldn't tell Dean. Millie hated the though of keeping this from Dean, but she agreed, on one condition, that Sam would man up and tell their brother himself. Sam agreed and decided to try and get some sleep as well, knowing the ride was a long one to their next case.

After the hunt, the trio was back in the car again, driving home. Dean driving, Millie in the front seat and Sam in the back. Millie had found an old picture of the three of them and their father in their father's journal. Millie could feel tears forming in her eyes, but she didn't care. If something was worth crying for, it was her father.

"I met him, you know, after he died" Millie said, still staring at the picture.

"What do you mean? Like downstairs?" Sam questioned and Millie nodded back before telling her brothers about her encounter with John in Hell.

The demons were moving Millie today. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. Whenever a demon was sick of not getting anywhere with Millie, they would pass her over to another one who practiced different torturing methods.

"Ahh sweetheart, we have a big surprise for you today" her mortal enemy, Pan, told her as they were moving her into a new room.

As she was placed in the middle of a room, she could see a man being tied to a table in front of her. The table was risen so the man was in standing position. After getting used to the dark light in the new room, her eyes started to water. She recognized the man as her own father.

"No, no, no, please don't be true" she whispered to herself as the man began to wake up.

"I see you're awake. Now, let me introduce you to my little toy, you might remember her?"

John's eyes fluttered open, and they landed directly on his first born. "Millie? No what are you doing here?"

"Hi dad" Millie managed to choke out through her sobs. She had managed so many years down here without showing weakness, but her walls were crumbling down like a sandcastle being hit by a tsunami.

"Since you are my favorite, sweetheart, I will let you two alone to catch up for a while" Pan said, acting strangely nice for a change.

Pan left the room and silence fell, only the light sobs of Millie could be heard.

"Mill? Baby? Why are you down here?" John looked at his beautiful daughter, now realizing how much he had missed her.

"Dad... I've... I've been here for seven years..."

"No, don't you say that" John sounded desperate for it not to bee true. "Dammit, I should have looked for you, I should have done something!" John was angry at himself. He let the most precious person to him to ever, spend 7 years in Hell.

"No, no dad. You kept your promise to me. You lived, Sam and Dean lived. That's all I wanted. But dad, how did you end up here?"

John started to explain to her about how he had to sell his soul to Azazel to make sure Dean lived. How he couldn't bear losing another child. Millie watched as her father started to cry, making her cry even more.

When Pan returned, he took turns, torturing Millie and John as the other watched. However, they had made a deal, no one says yes to get off the hook. They knew they could take it, like father like daughter. 

------------------------------ Authors note ----------------------------------

Hi, sorry for not posting in a looong while! I'm trying to get into the story again and hopefully I will be able to post more regularly for you guys!

Hope you all had a good holiday and I wish you all a happy new year!

Love, Kat

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