Chapter 1 - Welcome to Purgatory

Start from the beginning

Tears started to soak my night shirt shoulder but I didn't care . Although my mother would never say anything about it any sooner but she has a bad feeling about Purgatory from the beginning . That was very clear when my Aunt proposed to take me with her to Purgatory Music Festival and mother strongly protest it . At the end I actually didn't remember anything but was sure that something horrified happened there which resulted in the death of my aunt and everywhere scattered with fire and smoke and a grumpy man came and found me out and help me out to get me back to my mum , but I knew that was not the only reason behind it , there's another story behind it which I maybe will find out someday.

I went to the market with my mum to buy some stuffs . My mum was supposed to come with me to Purgatory but she said that its better if she stayed until I got a stable amount of salary and I dint pushed her much . But I felt sad cause she is the only member in my family still alive she is much like my best friend than just only my mum . now don't ask about my dad to be honest I don't even know if he exists or not cause I have never seen him in any album or any frames hung on the wall . My mum , me , my aunt and uncle were used to lived together happily until the day came and ended up in harsh effect of their death in there . After that it was just two of us in this small home .

The weekends passed by rapidly and it was 2 fucking am at Sunday morning but guess what excitement took over me and I still cannot sleep to catch the flight at 10 : 30 am tomorrow to purgatory well I know its early but I need a day just thought about adjusting a little bit with everyone .

Next Day

I woke up at the sweetest warm kiss placed on my forehead . I opened my eyes and saw the face of the beautiful woman with red haired and beautiful brown eyes in front of my eyes . Yes she is none other than my mum , my best friend .

" Good morning sweetie . "

" Good morning mum . What time it is ? "

" Its 9 am honey . "

" Oh shit , why didn't my alarm woke me up ?

" Sweetie , calm down . I know you much well and so I knew that you didn't sleep well last night so I came just before the alarm shut it off . "

" Mum but I would be late ."

" Hey you are not going to be late honey there is still an hour and half left for your flight . "

" Yeah right but need to hurry right now . "

' Sweetie calm down and don't let your nerves get your best in your work honey . "

" Ok mum , God how would I do without you ? "

" Well that you would know when you left for Purga .. your job . "

" Yeah right . Ok so now I going to get ready . "

" Yeah right . "


I reached Purgatory just few hours ago and currently on my to meet Nedley in the station . I went to the reception saw a pretty lady sitting there .

" Hey .... um can you please tell me the way to the Sheriff's office ? "

" Yeah sure just second floor down the hallway last room with SHERIFF written on it . "

" Ok thanks . "

I went to the second floor of the building and looked at the end of the hallway and found a door which has written SHERIFF written on it . I quickly passed through the hallway and knocked the door twice . I heard a grumpy but kind voice inviting me inside .

" Come in . "

I quickly opened the door and let myself in and stand in the front of the desk

" Well sheriff , its Nicole Haught . "

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