Chapter 1 - Welcome to Purgatory

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Nicole POV

I finished my police training and applied for job around my state . I didn't get any job near my state over five months . They said there was no vacancy recently available . That make me quite sad but I hope for chances to finally get a chance to serve the people and now its over five months and sorry to say that I have totally lost all the hope . I just woke up in my bed and looking through the window and thinking about all these its nearly 8 am when my phone buzzed in the night stand beside my bed . I quickly got up and received .

" Hello ? "

" Hello , um is this Nicole Haught speaking ? "

" Yes "

" Ok so this is Sheriff Nedley speaking . "

" Yes sir . "

" Um so Haught we are in need of a deputy over here and its urgent are you ready to take the job ? "

My ears cant believe what it just heard Did he really called me for being his deputy or I am dreaming ? To make sure I asked him to repeat again .

" Sir can you please repeat ? "

" We are in an immediate need of an deputy officer . Are you ready to do this job ? "

My eyes filled with happy tears and I cannot control it .

" Yes sir . I . I am ready sir . "

" Well you day starts from this week Monday . "

" Ok sir I would report on Monday at . "

" Oh yes sorry about that

Station 62
2004 - 20th Street
Purgatory , Ghost River County . "

Purgatory ? That creepy town ? I thought for 1 sec but quickly replied .

" Ok sir . "

" Yeah and Haught your duty starts from 8 am on Monday . Report before the mentioned time cause we need to do some formalities . And your uniform will be delivered to you before Monday . "

" Got it sir . "

" Yeah thank you . "

The phone hangs . I still cannot believe that I recently got a job in .. Well Purgatory BUT AS A DEPUTY OFFICER . OH GOD I AM SO EXCITED NOW .

Well the name of Purgatory feels strange to me not only because of its name but something exciting . I think I reacting differently . Before when I heard of the name of Purgatory , I used to avoid it like plaque but now I am really excited about just visiting the town . Well it can be because of the job which I recently got or something else . I really don't care .

" MUM !!!!!!!!!! " I yell at the top of my voice .

My mum came rushing from the kitchen .

" Hey whats up whats bothering you sweetie ? "

" MumIgotmunewjobasdeputy . "

" Wait honey a little slow , I couldn't get what you said . "

"Mum I got my new job as deputy . "

" Oh sweety how sweet , where to ? "

" Purgatory , Ghost River County . "

Mum stiffens at the name I could feel it . So I just asked her .

" Mum whats wrong ? "

" Huh ? Nothing .. Nothing is wrong .. just bad memories about purgatory . "

" Hey mum you can always speak to me you know and you don't have to hide anything from me you know , right ? " I said hugging her .

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