Third chapter noice

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As you woke up in the middle of the night you heard a noise coming from outside of your window So you decided to put on your slip on shoes and went outside in them and your pajamas You then walked over to the other side of your house quitely as you hear the noise again and quickly grab a knife hidden elsewhere Your dad did that just in case of emergencies

You were now currently armed and that's quite a good thing And then you heard the noise again from the bushes "WHO'S THERE?!" You shouted out quite scared yet filled with confidence too You then hear whimpering noises from the bush as you see it shake so you decided to go who was in it and find a sad Berdly in absolute tears and shaking You drop the knife and kneal down "Oh my god Berdly..." You looked at his body, scratches cuts and that all over his arms "W-Who did this to you...?"

The blue bird then sniffed "I-I can't tell you, if I do she'll do m-much worse to me..." He grabbed onto his own knees crying his eyes out as you then decided to hug him to made him squeak all flustered blushing a soft red "Don't worry I'm here and plus I'll be armed, do you want to hide in my house for the time being?" You then asked calmly as you felt the bird shiver in your arms still. "Sure, if that gets her away from me anyway..." Well you were doubting that she'll get to both of you in your house plus you can be armed with anything "Alright, let's go..."

So you both then went into the dining room as you were getting some biscuits to calm the other male down and also some milk just because he didn't like water and just pretended to "Th-Thanks..." He then says with a sad smile as he began munching into a biscuit "Anytime Berdly..." You said as you sit next to him and sort of held him close just because it calmed him down more "Well what exactly happened...?" You asked as Berdly sniffed again "W-Well...I heard a noise outside so I decided to check what that disturbing sound was doing And then she she-" Before he could finish he clinged onto you and cried on your chest (Or collarbone, neck, whatever makes u comfy :'>)

"Alright we need to call the police" You stood up but then Berdly grabbed onto your hand to which made you stop at your tracks "Don't...I-It'll make things worse...She might kill me!" You then sighed "Not if she's in jail" You then sitted next to Berdly again. "Yeah but- She might escape, I-I don't know..." He then hugs you again and burts into tears. Youve never seen Berdly like this so sad so down so vulnerable it hurt you

Then after some crying your parents found you two "What is that noise?-" Your mother was about to say but then cutters her words off as she saw you comforting an emotionally torn blue bird in your arms "Y/n dear what's happening?" Your father then asked as you then got nervous You then explained to your parents about what happened and Berdly gave in mostly and told them what happened but he still hadn't told them what her name was he was too scared too

"Alright erm- Berdly, we're going to call the police" You mother then said giving Berdly a quick hug as she went over to the houses phone in the hallway where the front door is You then hugged Berdly again scratching the back of his head gently "It's going to be okay now alright...?" You then say to him in a calm soothing tone as you hear him whimper "I-I know...-" He hugs onto you even more and still whimpering

Then after a bit your dad decided to clean up Berdlys cuts and that making sure that he wasnt going to get infected by something You then went into your bedroom putting on a film (Any film honestly-) just to calm yourself down hopefully and then you see Berdly come I the room and sit next to you on your bed with a nervous like smile "Hey again Y/n what are you watching?-" You two then heard the door knock and peep through the stairs to see what was happening

Your mother then opened the door and three police officers were then sawened Your parents then told the officers everything and you two decided to go downstairs Of course the two of you got questioned and such and still Berdly never said the girls name so he just said she went to his school Wait to their school...? Now you were getting anxious

After a while the police left to do the duty for tomorrow at school they'll be questioning everyone there probably including the teachers and parents too Berdly then sighed with a smile "Thank gosh...I should get going home now-" You then grabbed his hand "We'll walk you to your house if that's okay" I said with a smile "Oh well- Sure" Berdly chuckled with his sweet smile as you two and your parents walked him to his house which was just a minute walk or less

After talking to his parents and that you and your parents walked home and locked the doors and windows and went to sleep But you couldn't sleep at all you were too scared for Berdly Who was this girl who did this to him? You couldn't sleep a lot the whole night scared for the blue male bird...


(Another chapter here is hereeee :>)

(Le words is 967 wordssss-)

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