When Merlin explained the situation and his plan to go back in time to find out who the Green Knight with the mark of Camelot was-in his studio-his Apprentice was only a background figure and all the thoughts attached to him disappeared like footprints in the sand, hidden by the tide.


Douxie frowned. Silent frustration had started to churn under his skin, gushing in bursts and making him feel as if Zoe had struck him with an angry, unjustified thunderbolt. Archie's feelings, in response, tried to soothe him. Sadly in vain.

The idea of returning to the past did not particularly excite him, but it was even worse that they were not succeeding. He was ready, the temporal map was ready... There was not even a trace of danger on the horizon, for now, a fact that was more than positive, but surely only momentary... Yet, the small energy blast that would open the temporal gateway from The Heart of Avalon wasn't starting. And not for lack of power. The magic was humming, powerful, inside his ears.

Hisirdoux would have liked to put his hands in his hair and start yanking at it to relieve stress. But if he had done that, Archie would have realized it. And his familiar would end up in a foul mood for more than half the day, and he honestly wanted to avoid it.

"What's going on, Master?" He ended up asking, moving from his place just a little, seeing him appear with a wrinkled expression.

Merlin looked up in his direction but remained initially silent. Douxie instantly tightened his lips, though many more questions had taken to navigating his brain, giving him no respite. He merely followed along, hoping for answers. He saw Nari of the Eternal Forest out of the corner of his eye, as he had once before he arrived-with the difference that, when he had reached the flying castle, seeing her had given him a heart attack-she, too, had an unhappy expression, but she did not venture out of the almost safe rooms of Camelot.

"Some gears have broken down. Their internal energy has worn out. Trying to fix them with magic could compromise others connected to them." Said his Master, pausing very briefly. "Time travel is already a perilous operation. To foolishly tamper with the tool that would lead us to accomplish one is highly inappropriate."

Douxie found himself agreeing, nodding. Going to another Era was already a big deal in every part of it: avoiding disrupting events seemed easy said but done? Not so much. If the same trip then threw them elsewhere with no way out... It would be suicide. So much for protecting the Earth. For the Arcane Order, it would have been a lucky and unlucky result at the same time.

"So what should we do? Do we abandon the time travel plan and formulate another one?" Asked Archie, perching himself on his shoulder as if nothing had happened, wagging his tail in vague nervousness. A mild emotion, which the raven boy tried in turn to ease.

His Master did not respond. Again. Not before they reached the new room where the Trollhunter and the others were-not too far away from the first they had been in, but still enough to lose themselves if they roamed around-There, in fact, he briefly summarized the situation, then finally got to the point he and Archibald wanted to know.

"The plan does not change, it is only postponed. We need to visit an old friend of mine. He should have the necessary materials so that I can recreate them."

Douxie arched his eyebrow before he realized it, intrigued. The "old friends" Merlin meant were never easy to predict. He had had too long a life to make them so. They were almost always super-powerful magical entities or legendary creatures that made anyone tremble at the mere mention of their names. Sir. Galahad was perhaps one of the only exceptions: the only thing legendary about the man was his resistance to alcohol. And to queasiness.

There is a lot about me you don't know -Tales of Arcadia ENGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ