chapter 3 bargain and lies

Start from the beginning

"That is all i'll ask" she swore. "Then i'll do my best to find him." I walked away and stopped at the doorframe. "Oh and by the way. He said Amazons were incapable of admiting they're wrongdoings. Don't get me wrong, you're ways disgust me, but i'm glad he was somewhat wrong."

As I walked away the full weight of what I had been told finally crashed down. All of this, was because of my mother. Beyond enraged I stomped towards the nearest temple of Juno. Luckily it was empty, otherwise someone, probably Jay. Would have slapped me for what I was about to do.

"What is wrong with you!" I roared at the statue. Why, why! Do you hate demigods so much and had me!" I growled. "Are you that much of an hypocrite?! To ruin someone elses life over what I assume wasn't even something serious! Do you have any idea, how much trouble youve caused me just this month? First the Apollo cabin cursed me with the nastiest bed ridding sickness ever. Then the Hermes cabin stole all of the my stuff , next came the hepheastus and the Athena kids. And let me tell you, they can get pretty creative when they want to be. Luckily for me, I was already pretty good at destroying automatons. Unlikily for me, half of them were filled with explosives." I deadpanned, because near murder attempt on me were common now. "And that's just the surface stuff, and you know what? All i'm wondering, is how horrible could you have possibly been for them to hate me so much!"

I panted finally done with my tirade. "Feeling better?" I jumped and spun around to a teenage boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. With a shock I guessed it was Apollo himself. At my gulp, he simply laughed "hey dude, i'm not here to fight just to talk."

"What about?" I asked he walked towards the stairs of the temple and sat down. He silently beckoned me to do the same. I sat down confused "it's a nice day we're having isn't it."

"That's partially because of you." I shot back looking at the brightly colored sky as the sun was about the set. I always enjoyed looking at the sky when it's like that. It's like a carefully and chaotically painted canvas. "Yeah good point, but i'm not here to talk about me, but about you."

I raised an eyebrow, "I know you have every reasons to be mad little man, but lay off you're mother a bit will you?" I blinked several times making the god chuckle. "Yeah I know surprising isn't it? But after my time as a mortal. I learned more to recognised the lines between good and bad. Don't get me wrong, she can be a ripe old bitch when she wants to be, but her domain is constantly violated, her trust broken and she's currently mourning her champion. And while you're justified I don't think you're mom needs you unloading everything on her like that. She's already doing her best to keep my father from killing you. That's why she didn't answer you and all of this, well it's been taking a toll on her. Trust me even gods can suffer from stress."

"What's her excuse for Melian?" I asked bitterly. Apollo sighed "yeah that too was a real bitch move, but please do believe me when I say gods can also feel regret. There's a lot you have yet to know, she didn't order this out of biterness or pettiness."

"Then why?" I almost demanded "that it's best you find out on you're own." He got up and stretched. He started walking down the stairs before suddenly turning back on me. "Oh and one last thing, you'll always find a demigod close to the domain of they're parents, makes them feel like 'home.'" with a wink he walked away, not making a huge show of his presence by teleporting in a great flash of light or something else a god would do. I blinked in complete shock at the exchange, because it certainly looked like the usually apathetic and vain man child that Apollo was nearly always described as, was finally humbled out. I wondered why he even came to talk to me anyway. Not that I minded, I threw a look at my mother's statue feeling a little bit guilty. I guess Apollo wanted the help me understand a few things.

But why the emphasis on home. I understand what he meant. Children's of Demeter have nature, children's of Poseidon have the sea, while some have the sky the sun and more, but why home?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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