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Yelena's POV

Once we arrived at the hospital Natasha and I ran inside, "Wanda Belova!" The lady behind the desk frowned, "who is asking?" I growled, "I'm her god damn wife and she is in labour so just tell me where she is." The woman looked it up fast, "room Level 2 Room 35." I rush up the stairs.

Just as I burst into the room I could hear the screams of my wife, "Where's Yelena!" I rushed forward, "I'm here love I'm here." I took Mama's place and held my omega's hand.

After 2 hours of screaming and 8 hours of her being in labour I finally heard a cry piece the air. Exactly 12 mintues after there was another cry and then Wanda cried and I kissed her head. "You did such a good job darling."

"I want to see them," Wanda whispered just before the nurses came back holding a baby each. "Do you want to hold them?" The nurse handed one to Wanda and one to me.

I looked down to see wide green eyes looking up at me his barely there hair was a light blonde and I started to cry, "oh baby boy you're beautiful."

"What are their names?" Natasha asked from the door. I looked up at my sister, "Wanda agreed that we both got a first name and a middle name and so we both get the names we picked for both children. She uses the first name and I get the middle name and then the other way around."

"So who is this little man?" Melina looked over my shoulder at our youngest twin, "his name is Harrison Pietro Belova." Mama turned to Wanda, "and his name?" Wanda smiled and looked up at Mama, "Thomas Nathan Belova. We thought since Nathaniel was already used we'd still go with a name that had Nat in it."

Natasha was crying then Mama took Harry off me and Natasha brought me into a tight hug, "I love you both so much." I smiled, "well it was only fair you did name your daughter after the most awesome person in all the world."

"I hope your children don't get your ego," Natasha smirked and I rest my forehead on hers. "Shh don't ruin the moment," I whispered and I pulled back. The babies started to cry and Wanda started to feed them, "I am so proud of you girls." Mama smiled and pulled up in for a hug after handing Harry to Wanda. I cuddled into Mama's neck and Natasha let go for a second and hugged Mama back.

"My beautiful girls... I am going to spoil your children rotten." I laughed and Natasha shook her head, "you already do Talia is living the life these days with all the presents you give her."

"Lena can you hold Tommy?" I walked over and held my oldest twin boy. "You are going to be a ladies man aren't you. I can see it already you defiantly got my charm and my blonde hair," I chuckled and held my child close while I watch Wanda eat our youngest.

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