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Wanda's POV

Right now, Yelena and I just arrived at St. Petersburg in Russia ready for the days Christmas at Melina's house. Yelena and I got married but we have yet to tell the family we were planning to do that when we get there. Natasha found out she was caught and is bring her wife and daughter. Yelena is happy but I think when she gets her Christmas present, she will be even happier.

"Wanda! Darling so glad you are here and Yelena my baby," Melina came out and wrapped her arms around me and held me against her. Melina pulled me inside, "Yelena go help your father with the firewood." Melina called over then she pulled me into the kitchen, "you're pregnant." My eyes widen, "how... how did you..."

Melina smiled, "a mother always knows." I blushed, "yes I am pregnant but don't tell Yelena." Melina knelt down, "hello my little grandpup I'm going to be so excited to meet you."

"Pups," I whispered and Melina looked up at me, "twins? Like you and Pietro?" I smiled and nod, "yes I was going to tell Yelena on Christmas." Melina smiled brightly, "my daughters are going to have children." I looked at Melina confused, "Maria's pregnant again?" Melina looked down at me, "you are my daughter too Wanda. You and Maria you are now both my daughters too."

"Thank you Melina," I whispered and the hazel eyed woman pulled me into a hug. "You can call me Mama if you want," Melina whispered, and I looked up t the widow. "Thank you, Mama," I smiled, and Melina put her hand on my stomach that was a tiny bit swollen. "Melina!" Natasha walked in and we pulled away, "hey honey. Now where is this lovely wife and child of yours?" Natasha stared at me for a few minutes, "Wanda's pregnant?" I pouted, "how can you all guess but Yelena is still oblivious to that fact."

"We are smarter then her," Natasha smirked. Mama hit Natasha, "we have both been around pregnant Omegas before Yelena never has so she probably thinks you're just eating a bit to much and she shouldn't say anything in case she gets in trouble." I looked to Natasha, "Where's Talia?"

"AUNTY WANDA!" A little 4 year old came running up to me falling over a few times. I knelt down and opened my arms then she flew into my arms, "hey baby girl how are you?" I smiled and the green eyes looked up into my own, "I'm good." I kissed her head then stood back up, "Mama this is Natalia Romanoff my daughter please try not to give her to much sweets."

We all laughed and Melina shook her head, "no promises."

When Yelena came in she was sweaty. Yelena ignored everyone and come up to me and kissed me, "sorry it took so long love." Yelena wrapped her arms around me from behind and place her head on my shoulder. "Aunty Wanda who's that?" Talia asked and I smiled, "this is my soulmate. Remember all the stories?" Talia smiled brightly, "yes! It's the truest love ever." I smiled and Talia ran back over to her Mama, "so Wanda remind me never to tell you secrets again."

I looked down and Yelena growled, "I forced it out of her she can not be blame." Natasha held her hands up, "I was joking sorry."


Alexei stepped out in his Santa costume and I giggled, "yes Talia that's right Santa."

Natalia (Talia) Romanoff

Natalia (Talia) Romanoff

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