day 23: mistletoe/kissing

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day 23!!! aaaah only two more days !!

another chapter where their ages don't matter. cady is 23 and janis is 24 but y'all do what you want :)



"Caddy, come here," Janis says, standing underneath a doorway in Damian's apartment.


"Just come here," Janis pleads, coaxing her wife over. Cady tilts her head in confusion but heads to see what Janis wants. She squeaks in surprise when she's suddenly pinned to the wall and kissed hungrily.

"What was that for?" she breathes against Janis' lips when she pulls away slightly.

"Mistletoe," Janis says, giving her a more gentle kiss this time.

"Missa-what?" Cady asks, tilting her head in confusion.

"You've never heard of mistletoe?"

"No," Cady says. "What is it?"

"This," Janis says, reaching up on her tippy toes and snatching it down to show Cady. Cady tips her head and looks at the strange little plant. "You hang it somewhere, and then if two people stand underneath it they have to kiss."

"Oh." Cady says. "Why?"

"I dunno," Janis shrugs. "Tradition. I'm not sure where it came from."

"It's not very polite," Cady says, crossing her arms with a frown. "What if someone doesn't want to be kissed? Consent is important."

"Yes it is," Janis agrees. "Nowadays people usually ask first. Or just kiss on the cheek or something."

"Oh." Cady says again. "Americans are weird."

"Amen, babes."


Janis wakes up the next morning alone, with something taped to her nose. She's in the midst of crossing her eyes to see what it is when Cady suddenly comes crashing through the door and leaps on top of her. "Oof!"

"Good morning!"

"Hi, Peanut," Janis chuckles. "What's on my nose?"

Cady bends down, cups her face, and presses their lips together. Janis gasps in surprise, but quickly rests a hand on the back of Cady's head to keep her close and holds a small hip with the other. Cady eventually breaks away and gasps for breath. "There's your first clue."

"Good clue," Janis says, pulling Cady back down for one more kiss. When they break apart this time, Janis reaches up and plucks the mystery item from her face. "Mistletoe?"



"For kisses!" Cady says eagerly. "If you're always under it then I always have to kiss you."

Janis considers this. "I guess that makes sense. Not the most comfortable though."

"That's okay," Cady says. "That was a temporary solution."

"What?" Janis asks. "What have you been up to?"




"Uhhuh. Let's test that theory, shall we?" Janis chuckles. Cady squeaks as Janis stands up and hauls her up onto her back, carrying her piggyback style out of the room. Janis looks up once they're in the living room. "Oh my god!"

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