day 3: lazy day

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yet another chapter where their ages are unimportant. who woulda thunk. anyway. i imagined cady as ~25 and janis as ~26 :)

tw for
broken bones



"Caddyyyyyy," Janis calls pitifully from their bedroom. "I miss youuuuu."

"I'm coming, mpendwa," Cady calls back as she adds the perfect amount of milk into her wife's coffee. Janis is staring sadly at the door when she returns with the mug, just her face poking out from her blanket cave with a pout. "You're supposed to be keeping your foot elevated, love."

"It is," Janis huffs, tugging her blanket up to reveal her foot properly propped on a cushion.

"Good," Cady hums, handing over her coffee and leaning in to steal a kiss. "Now budge up, this is my bed too."

"But I'm injured," Janis whines.

"You don't want snuggles?"

Janis immediately scoots herself over to the far side of the bed, giving Cady plenty of room to get comfy. Cady crawls in next to her and gets cozy in bed before she reaches out for her wife. Janis worms her way back over and nuzzles in, resting her head on Cady's shoulder and taking slow sips of her coffee. Cady wraps her arms around her and kisses Janis' cheek.

"Why are you so grumpy?"

"Because I broke my ankle," Janis grumbles. "Now I gotta spend Christmas in bed."

"It's kind of your own fault, lovely," Cady giggles.

"I fell off the roof! It was icy, that's not my fault!" Janis pouts.

"You shouldn't have been on the roof in the first place, darling," Cady says. "And it's December, it's gonna be icy."

Janis doesn't respond, she just rolls away from Cady with a little, "Hmph!"

"Jellybean," Cady says sadly. "It's okay, my love. It's not so bad."

"I have a broken ankle! At Christmas!"

"Yeah, you do," Cady says, pressing against Janis' back and kissing around her ear. "Is that it? Are you in pain?"

"No," Janis huffs.

"Then what's the matter? I miss your smile," Cady hums. Janis just grumbles something unintelligible under her breath. "What?"

"I wanted to do Christmas stuff with you," Janis mumbles a bit louder. "Take you sledding. Go ice skating and stuff. Now I'm stuck here."

"Oh," Cady says. "That's okay, my love, we can do that when you get better. And it's not like this is our last Christmas together. Is it?"

"No! No," Janis says, rolling over quickly to face her. "Not the last."

"Good," Cady chuckles. "I don't mind missing out on all the traditional activities, Bluejay. We can still do stuff here. We'll have just as much fun as we would without a broken ankle."

"How?" Janis asks. The pout makes a return.

"You leave that to me," Cady says mischievously, rolling out of bed. "I'll think of something."

"You're gonna leave me? And my broken foot?"

"You can move to get what you need, I won't be long," Cady says. Janis somehow pouts harder. "Would you rather be stuck here all day with nothing to do or not have me to cuddle you for an hour?"

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