Chapter 7: Shadows

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Chapter Seven (Years of Prisoner of Azkaban)

The school always seemed eerily quiet when everyone was away. Even with the handful of students who stay every year, it doesn't have that same energy. As students returned from holiday, I was watching from the Astronomy tower. Hermione was right- this was a comforting place to get away. It felt like I was going back in time, staring down at the passing students in the courtyard while I was too young to explore. I felt like I was in a negative spiral from Harry and I's conversation and feeling separated. How long could I stay in this Astronomy tower before someone noticed I never came back? However if Harry was gone for a mere two hours, it would be the talk of the town.

I sat there for hours watching as students played in the snow, chatted with friends, or were walking to Hogsmeade. I shivered in my large sweater. I closed my book and slowly stood up to stretch. Blaise's words flickered through my mind from the start of the year. "You don't have to always hide." Maybe I should stop trying to hide. Harry doesn't control me. Sure, I can stay away from Malfoy and I understand why, but that doesn't mean I can't have my own friends. I can be careful. I can still make close friends like Harry. It seems Hermione already picked up on our secret... I wonder what Harry did with Neville after he walked into seeing me in the Gryffindor common room...

Just as I was about to go down to my common room, I stopped when I saw the person I was trying to avoid the most in the doorway of the portrait. He was leaning over Pansy as she grabbed onto his Slytherin tie. Her ear piercing giggle was gag worthy. Draco had said something to make her giggle again, leaning away from her ear with a big smirk. His arm was by her side as she tried to scoot closer. Could they do this somewhere else? They were right in my path. I tried to ignore the bubbling jealousy in the pit of my stomach.

Draco was the one who noticed me first, his dark grey eyes sparkling with mischief as he watched me roll my eyes. Draco laid a kiss on Pansy's cheek and said something to make her grin and walk back into the common room. "Bye Draco," she sang. Draco had stood back up to his full height- and I could have sworn he grew another inch over break. Draco's eyes landed back on me as he continued to block my way into the common room.

"Have a good holiday, Topert?" He dragged my fake last name out.

"Swell, Malfoy. Yourself?" The fake pleasantries were getting old.

"I heard Potter stayed as well." What was his game? Draco raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I guess," I tried to play it off. "I saw him sitting at his table for dinner." Annoyed, I put my hands on my hips. "Are you going to move or what?"

"I find this spot very comfortable."

"Don't you have to go make out with Parkinson?"

"After Greengrass." I tried to control my face but couldn't help when my eyes narrowed. What a playboy. Draco shifted his weight and learned against the slide, but his body was angled in a way I'd have to step over him to get past. I had half the mind to leave and go to the library. Anywhere was better than here.

"You sound busy."

"You sound jealous, Lily." He said my actual name. It sounded foreign in his mouth. "Want to take a number?"

"You wish, Malfoy." I hissed. "Now step aside." Draco just shook his head, his hair as white as snow, moving side to side. "I'm trying to get inside."

"Oh, I'm aware," Draco's smirk deepened.

"Godrick, you're so bloody annoying." I had it with his childish game. Screw his personal space. As I walked up to step over his leg, he stuck an arm out to block me. I scoffed and looked up at him. He was intently looking down at me and for a moment I thought back to the train. The only time Draco had ever shown an ounce of compassion because I was ready to pass out. Draco reached his hand out to me and it took everything in me not to flinch. I had to be a stone wall around him.

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