Chapter 5: Growing Pains

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Chapter Five (Years of Prisoner of Azkaban)

"We made out for like... Godric, I don't even know." Pansy giggled as she looked at her nails.

"Oh my Godric! Like tongue or more?" Daphne Greengrass's giggle harmonized with Pansy's. Millicent leaned over with her elbows on her knees and sighed.

"I want to make out with him," Millicent pouted.

"Well he's currently mine so," Pansy stuck her tongue out before babbling on about her hangout with Draco. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window of the train. I should have never agreed to sit with them. Hearing about how Pansy met up with Draco over the summer made my stomach churn. I tried to play it off as nerves for the school year and seeing Harry again. We had left each other on a sour note, despite him trying to write to me this summer. It didn't mend anything. I still remember what he said about Malfoy and how we'll have to be more careful. He's bad news. Rain was pouring outside as the train chugged on and I tried to push everything to the back of my head.

"Like he is so foxy now," Pansy sighed dreamily. "He doesn't gel his hair anymore and it's just so soft to run your fingers through..." She flipped her short brown hair, ruffling her own hair up. Millicent absentmindedly plaid with the end of her french braid as she hung on every word. Students were passing by the open door to get to the other side of the train, looking for their friends to catch up from the long summer. No familiar faces had zoomed by.

As if she summoned him personally, a passing posse had stopped at the entrance to our train car. I recognized Blaise at first and just as I was about to get out and say hi, the devil revealed himself. The girls all sat up straighter and giggled. I sat in the corner closest to the window, trying to make myself smaller.

"Hi ladies," he smirked. I took a small glance. I told myself to look away immediately but my eyes were in control. Bloody hell, Pansy was right. I don't know what happened this summer but Draco Malfoy was hot. He gained some height and lost the baby fat in his cheeks. His hair did look so much better without the pound of gel. The way he had a fitted white dress shirt with his Slytherin tie loosely around his neck... I found myself staring and only realized after his smirk grew that he noticed too.

"Take a picture Topert, it'll last longer." His remark made the boys he was with laugh. I felt my cheeks burn and I instantly turned to look out the window. Godric, I regret begging Minerva to let me take the train this year. All for a stupid facade of hiding my own secrets. "Long time no see, Pansy," his voice was lower. Pansy just giggled in response. He was eating this attention up and we really didn't need to inflate his ego anymore. "Daphne, your sister is a first year, right?"

"Fresh meat," Crabbe commented.

"Y-yeah," Daphne stuttered. "I'm hoping she'll be in Slytherin too."

"Well at least you'll look good at our table." What a fucking flirt. "Catch you ladies later." His smirk only grew as he nudged Blaise. The second he was out of view, the girls were all pressing their hands over their mouths.

"Oh merlin! I can see what you mean by he changed." Millicent gushed.

"And he kisses like..." Pansy sighed again, smiling widely.

"Was he like totally hitting on me?" Daphne asked.

"Fuck," I muttered as I grabbed at my heart. It was a deep throbbing and I knew my lightning bolt scar underneath my shirt was acting up. Uh oh.

"Godric, Topert-" Pansy started as she turned to look at me but stopped. "Guys, look out the window." All of our eyes followed as the window started to ice over. Something tells me it was out of the ordinary. Ice cracks started on one side and crept across the window. Daphne scooted closer to the window and tried to peer out of it.

"Uhm, I think there's someone outside the train."

"What? That's impossible. This train is moving like, so fast." Pansy scoffed and tried to look out for herself. That's when the lights started to flicker and the temperature was dropping. Oh no. I bit my lip as the pain of my scar grew more intense. It became so cold you could see our breaths in the cart. Worried yells and screams began to echo and Millicent quickly stood up. She peeked her head out.

"Oh my Godric, it's a dementor!"

Chaos ensued.

The heavy feeling wouldn't leave. I winced as I grew more uncomfortable. Daphne looked at me worriedly.

"Lily, are you okay?" I grunted as I squirmed. Something was very wrong. A scream ripped through my mind as I shuddered. I squeezed my eyes as the lights completely went out. A loud thump was heard out and more yells followed.

"Harry Potter nearly fainted!" A boy shouted. My skin was clammy as that horrible shriek replayed in my mind. I quickly stood up. All of their eyes followed me.

"Lily?" Millicent reached up to touch me but I flinched and touched my heart.

"I-I have to use the bathroom." I needed out of here. My mind was broken record of that ear piercing scream. I'm sure I looked absolutely terrified. I pushed into the middle but it was crowded as more and more people tried to investigate and gossip. I felt turned around- I didn't know which way the bathroom was. I turned around and tried the other way but a body blocked my way. I was staring at a dark green Slytherin tie but looked up to meet those grey eyes. He looked down at me and his eyes furrowed together.

"Lily, are you okay?" It was the only genuine thing he ever said to me. I couldn't focus on it; I felt like I was ready to faint. I'm sure I looked ghastly with pale lips and wide eyes. The more the scream replayed, the more I realized whose scream it was. Mom's. I felt my lip quiver and I was falling apart. Draco's strong hand touched my upper arm. He squeezed gently and it pulled me back to my surroundings. Slowly, I looked back at him with my lips open.

"I... I..." I needed Harry.

"It's over." He whispered. The train had screeched to a halt, indicating we had arrived at Hogwarts. I couldn't say anything but just stepped back. His hand fell and his eyebrows softened as he looked at me. I slowly shook my head and looked around, realizing my reaction. I was grounded. Her scream was lingering. I had my hand on my heart still and I slowly dropped it. This is the opposite of staying clear of him.

The rush to get off the train broke the moment up and I went back to grab my items. Pansy was looking at me oddly but Daphne had a worried look.

"Can I carry something for you?" I shook my head and remained quiet. I wanted to go to sleep. I wanted to hide.

If this was foreshadowing for the year, I'm out.

A/N: Give me just a few more chapters for the juicy juice, slow burning into chaos ;)

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