Chapter 4: Slippery Tongues

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A/N: It'll be a lot more lively in the Goblet of Fire years because they'll be a bit older and more mature. Just wanted to paint the picture of their history before the fun >:) Thanks for reading!

Chapter Four (Years of Chamber of Secrets)

After my endeavor with Draco, I was much more cautious of spying and glancing at Harry. I couldn't just accidentally sit near him in class or walk near him in the halls without Draco glaring at me. On top of that, the divide between us was even greater this year as Gryffndor and Slytherin were set to play a Quidditch match. Everyone was trash talking and the horrendous term of "mudbloods" was being thrown around.

The dangers of this past year weren't swept under the rug come Christmas time. When we returned, the horrendous news of petrified students was circulating. It was too dangerous to roam the halls late. I was forced to stay in the common lobby, much too small of a space to go undetected. When in the secluded girl's room, I'd hear the cackles of Pansy, Millicent, and Daphne. They'd call me over to gossip, even though I had nothing to add. I think they just wanted more attention. I nodded when I could and tried not to let my mind turn to mush. I guess talking nonsense over boys was better than hearing them bash my brother and smear his name. Butter fingers? They'd see- Harry was the best.

I say that but then we goes and breaks his arm at the match. Lockhart turning it to literal mush was nauseating to see. As if the year wasn't crazy enough, Lockhart had the magnificent idea to pit thirteen year olds like it was Fight Club. Spouting off how we must be able to protect ourselves of whatever grave danger lies ahead. I was thankful I wasn't chosen but irritated when the perfect pair were chosen. Severus Snape snatched Draco as tribute for the duel.

"Godrick, he is so divine," Pansy squealed beside me. "If he wins, I'm totally going to give him my first kiss." My stomach dropped. The cause of it was unknown; the idea of Draco kissing someone or Harry possibly getting injured.

"Scared Potter?" Malfoy taunted. They were in each other's faces, wands at the ready. The smirk on Draco's face was clear to see across the room.

"You. Wish." Harry narrowed his eyes as Lockhart began counting. I gasped with the other students as they sent spells flying through the air. Professor Snape muttered to Draco with his dull voice while Lockhart dramatized everything. "Ridgosempra!" Harry yelled, sending Draco twisting into the air. He landed on his arse with an hard oomph. Snape pulled him up and turned him back to duel.

"I said disarm only!" Lockhart called, trying not to clearly love the excitement.

Draco yelled, "Serpensortia". However, this spell conjured up a rather large snake. In a flash, it emerged from his wand and was flown towards Harry's feet. It slithered and hissed at the students by the front. I gasped as I felt a pull towards it. Harry stood up straight and I wanted to call out to him. He had to be careful. When Lockhart tried to get rid of it, it landed much harder on the platform and much angrier. I felt my tongue drop and the sides of my cheeks tingled. It's hissing didn't sound like sharp hisses. I could hear it.

My feet moved closer as I pushed people out of the way. I had to get to the snake. I wanted to... talk to it? It was the gasp of horrors that pulled me from the trance. Harry let out a guttural sound and I saw him talking to the snake. It was obvious he was telling the snake not to go towards Justin Finch-Fletcher.

Snape casted a spell that caused it go up in flames in seconds. The room was so silent, pins could be dropped and would sound like thunder. All eyes were on Harry- his eyes on the snake and then me. I wanted to tell him, I understood what happened and that he wasn't crazy. I just gulped. The school was sent on another gossip tornado. Mass hysteria was unleashed as people pointed the finger of him being the heir of Slytherin.

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