Chapter 1: The Sorting

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Chapter One: Year One, The Sorting

I remember sitting at the top of the balcony, my cheek against the railing as I watched all the new students filter in. I sighed as my eyes scanned each face in the room. I had spent countless hours looking at passing faces. The older students were interesting to observe, but they weren't who I was searching for. I was looking for the boy that I was hidden from all my life. My subsequential "other half" but had only found out about days before the new arrivals.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I realized I wasn't alone in the balcony. I dragged my eyes away for a second to see Nearly Headless Nick giving me a soft smile. "Not getting to join in the festivities?" I frowned and shook my head. "It's boring anyways." He tried to lean into me- but ghosts don't have much of a comforting touch. Yes, ghosts. At Hogwarts, ghosts aren't as far fetched as werewolves or witches. In fact, the whole school was filled with witches and wizards. "I would offer to bring you a plate but..." He waved his hands in front of me. "Ghost and all..."

"A little hard," I said with a stifled chuckle. He was trying to cheer me up but it was no use. I gazed back over at the Grand Hall, looking to see if I had missed anyone. No bright green eyes yet.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, it'll all work out." I huffed in response and Nick took it as a sign to leave me alone. "Man, teenagers," he said with a laugh before disappearing into the railing.

The room was filled with excited chatter as flames danced vibrantly above. Older students were sitting at the allotted house tables, named after all of the great wizards and their legacy bestowed. Minerva- I mean, Professor McGonagall- as I'd have to refer to her now, had told me the story year after year. I was looking forward to getting sorted by the famous Sorting Hat, but I'd have to wait to do it after everyone else with just her and headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Each house represented core values and had their own history. Would I end up in Gryffindor like my father and mother? Could I be crowned in scarlet and gold to represent the bravery of Godrick Gryffindor?

I looked at the Hufflepuff table with their banners of yellow and black above them. The symbol of a badger; loyalty and honor of Helga Hufflepuff. Or perhaps I'd represent Rowena Ravenclaw's house, dawning blue and bronze. Was I as wise as I hoped to be? I had stuffed my nose into half the school's library by now.

My eyes swept to the last table on the right; Slytherin. The green and silver tapestries had a giant snake across it. I had heard the whispers of what being a Slytherin meant. Minerv- I mean, Professor McGonagall had mentioned how Professor Snape would mention how cunning a Slytherin was. Something about the Slytherin table had made me sweep back to it. Was it the vibrant emerald green patches on the robes? Was it the cackling and snickers of the students who held themselves at a higher standards? The confidence and close community of it? Or perhaps it was that in that moment, a group of first year students were being lead up the sides and one of them took a glance around the room.

For a moment, I felt my breathing stop. I had locked eyes with the most beautiful grey pair I had ever seen. In a fearful moment, I leaned back from the railing in efforts to hide myself. Stay hidden, Lillian, the words replayed in my head. I slowly pushed the curtain back again and was sad to see the grey eyes were gone. I wanted to lean over and look for him, but Dumbledore had stood up. I looked at him only to see him watching me carefully, an eyebrow shooting up. I could take the silent hint. With a sigh, I stepped back again and let the curtain hide me once more.

McGonagall had led all the first years to the front and stopped in front of the hat. "Now," the second she began to talk, the crowd fell silent. She was dressed in her dark green robes, pointed hat, and pursed lips. "Before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

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