Meeting With Kei After Curfew - Part 1

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The island special exam had just come to a close and it's been already 4 days since we've been enjoying our summer trip on this cruise ship. 

Personally I do wish I could have placed top 3 in the exam which I may have been able to have had I not been stuck with Nanase or held up by the man named Tsukishiro. 

Last night, the man had sincerely told me and sensei that he was relieved of his jobs but whether I believed him or not was still up in the air. What that man was planning to do next was something I'm not currently aware of nor do I know what to expect.

It was just past 10:30pm right now, about 30 minutes past curfew on the ship where no students were allowed anywhere except their rooms. I had been just lying around my bed, trying to rest as my body still wasn't at 100% strength due to the island exams and suddenly I received a text.

 It was a text from Kei, who I have been dating now for nearly 7 months so it's been a while. The nature of our relationship is secretive but it's what is necessary for both of us and we'll eventually reveal it when the time's right.

"U-hm are you free right now?"

Hm that's strange I thought as Kei probably knows what I'm up to right now but asked anyways.

"No, I'm just in my room since we're not allowed to leave right now, why do you ask?" I replied back to her

"Well, it's just that my room is completely empty right now and I'm kinda lonely so I was wondering if you could somehow sneak out and come here"

That was surprisingly bold of her, I never expected Kei to make a request like that so I played along with her scheme for a bit.

"I mean, we're not allowed to go outside right now, are you sure? I'd be in trouble if I got caught and in even more trouble if I were alone with you" I replied back

The fact remained that we were members of the opposite sex, even though we were dating, if a boy and girl where caught in the same room at such a time, that would mean big trouble for both parties. I waited a good 5 minutes before getting a text back from Kei.

"Well... I considered the possibilities and knowing you, Kiyotaka, I know you won't get caught so hurry up and get here, room 255 is the location"

It seems I have no choice here so I had no option but to listen to her, plus, I'm kind of enjoying this right now as it's something I've never done before so I might acquire something new. The thought of our relationship developing further was growing in my mind and I'm sure it was for her as well, she knew well by what she meant when she made her request. 

Our relationship is in a good state now but we have yet to go to the next step which was something I have personally never experienced so maybe tonight would be the chance. 

I'm sure Kei is equally as inexperienced as me but it's surprising to me, especially with her outgoing personality and attractive face.

"Fine, give me 10 minutes I'll be there, and leave the room door unlocked, see you" I replied before turning off my phone.

I got out of bed and quickly changed my clothes before explaining to Akito and Keisei, my 2 roommates that I had an errand to make and for them to keep silent about. They both thankfully obliged as we were good friends so it's not like they would ever report this to the school.

"Man, I'm not gonna bother asking what you're up to but don't get caught, that'd be bad for us so be careful" Akito commented looking worried for me.

"Yea, don't worry, I'll be back pretty soon so you guys should rest up, I'll take the keys with me" I replied

Kei x Kiyotaka : The Secret Couple of ANHSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum