Dead Eyes

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**********READ THIS BLURB FIRST!!**************

This is going to be a triggering chapter. Do not read if you are under 18, do not read if the episode of Rick biting a chunk of Joe's (claimed guys leader) neck is triggering on any level, specifically what happened to Carl. While nothing is described in detail it is overly hinted at and obvious what happens to Lil' at the end of this chapter. Need to know info for story's sake will be summarized at the beginning of the next chapter. ***************************************

<Lils' POV>

Run! Run Faster! I held on tightly to my shoulder as I sprinted as hard as I possibly could in the direction I'd seen Daryl and Beth run in. Faster! I screamed in my head struggling to breath, struggling to see as I dogged trees in the brush. It felt as if my lungs were collapsing and my vision was clouded. Fucking bum ass leg. Fucking blood. I started to slow more and more, still not risking looking over my shoulder to see if they were still on my tail. Not worth it, I argued with myself. But eventually I'll have to stop. I can't keep this up. I huffed for a second, stopping and looking around. I could hear them but couldn't see them. The pounding in my head made it seem like they were coming up from everywhere, from all directions.

I looked up at the sun. Night will be here soon. I swiped some blood from my brow. The tree branches looked sturdy enough to hold. I looked at my leg, fucking mutilated. I shook my head and took a deep breath. I can't run on this leg much longer. I wrapped my legs round the trunk of the tree and shoved my knife through the bark pulling myself up bit by bit with one arm. Tightening my leg round the trunk to keep myself from slipping down. Swinging myself on to the first branch high enough for comfort. If walkers can smell fresh blood they'll be under me in now time.

I didn't hesitate to get myself balanced and start patting down my vest. Pockets on pockets of small supplies. I was thanking whatever higher power there was that I was too lazy and too busy to unpack it. I pulled out the needle and thread. Hadnt had to use it since I took it from the shelter with Merle. I cut open the clothing on my leg and hooked the needle through my skin. Biting my lip and crying the whole way through. Then on to the next. And the next. And the next. While I was pissin' and cryin' over the sewing up the front and back of each hole I was glad they all went through and threw. Glad there'd be nothin' rattlin' round in my body.

I slumped back against the trunk of the tree, looking at the light slipping between the branches and leaves as the sun began to set. The cicadas began to hum, not loud enough to cover the groans of the dead bellow. Just like that. I'm alone again. Tears started falling from my cheek and I shook my head. He promised he wouldn't leave me. My tears quickly turned into sobs. How could i be so stupid, of course, everyone gets left to fend for themselves in a mess like that. "I'm not good at being alone." I whispered, pulling myself tightly into a hug as i fell asleep against a tree.


Four nights wandering round the woods. I wish Daryl was here. He'd know how to get to the suburbs. Hunting had gotten me by but wasn't much good when I had no other supplies. I needed something to hold water in, some type of tarp to sleep on. Some medicine would be nice too. I poked at the stitching on my shoulder. Thankful it was the only one infected. Swollen and oozing it often woke me up in the middle of the night if anything touched it. I sighed as I stepped over a log,freezing with a foot in the air as I heard the shuffling of grass and leaves. I jumped and crouched down behind some fallen trees. Putting my hand over my mouth as I heard the laugh of men. They weren't familiar. My heart skipped a beat and I was damn near ready to run. But I couldn't, they were close. I started to panic and pulled out my pocket knife. I don't even have a real weapon. My hands shook as I held on tight to the tiny blade.

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