First Single

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(This takes place in some summer after Season 3)

The Wildcats have been enjoying their summer at Miss Jenn's Summer Camps, they all made the best of every moment.

Nini couldn't make it to the summer camp, unfortunately. Thanks to her girlfriend, Gina putting her in touch with Jamie so he can help expand her songwriting career, Nini became a well-known singer-songwriter with a great album with songs like the Rose Song, All I Want, Out Of The Old, I Think, I Kinda, Ya Know. She called her album "Beauty."

Gina became closer with her older brother and also became a famous dancer on Instagram and TikTok while making a relationship with Nini. She talked Big Red into posting some tap-dancing videos, he became kinda known across East High.

Carlos got his dream, after Opening Night, he was offered a role in Dear Evan Hanson on broadway, and he took it, mainly because Seb loved the show, who also helped him with Broadway.

Ashlyn created her own songs over the summer, Jamie offered to help her create a career, and she said she needed to think, Jamie said there's no rush and to take her time.

Kourtney started her own Fashion Line, it's kinda small now, but she made her own website and creates her own dresses for both Miss Jenn's plays and for everyone else. Howie  helps Kourtney with her business, it may

EJ was at the University of New York, but he came back to be with his boyfriend and see his friends again, he was out of school, after all. He was pursuing his dreams of being an actor, which his parents fully supported.

Then there's Ricky.

Ricky hasn't really focused on anything, things actually got outta control. Ricky almost had a relationship with Lily last summer, but then he found out (by Howie, who was blackmailed into helping her) stole his harness and quickly ended things with her. He got closer to EJ and they started dating, even if EJ was gonna go to college soon.

After High School Musical, Beauty and the Beast, and Frozen, Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazarra teamed up to put on Descendants 2. When Ricky was asked by Miss Jenn to make an original son for Ben, and he created one. It was after Ben failed to convince Mal to come back to Auradon.

He called it Common Sense.

After the play, which was a massive success, the Wildcats were ready for more than one final get-together for the summer.

Ricky and EJ (Ben and Jay) were going to walk outside and have one final campfire with the others, but then Ricky realized he forgot something. "Hey, I forgot my phone, I'll meet you there," he tells his boyfriend.

"Okay, just don't get kidnapped" EJ laughs. Ricky rolls his eyes and the 2 share a kiss before Ricky walks back to the Music Room.

Ricky walked into the room and saw his phone on his desk, but he also saw something else.

Gina. She seemed she was crying while removing her teal and gold makeup from the play.  "G, are you okay?" Ricky, asks, getting his attention. Gina was about to push him away again, but she knew he wouldn't. Ricky and Gina haven't been the same since Gina told him there are better people to talk to about Nini, Gina's been avoiding him since.

"No, not really," Gina says, not seeing the point of pushing someone away again. "Nini was supposed to be here tonight but she got so caught up with Jamie that she can't make it."

"Oh...well you can see her before the summer ends, right?" Ricky asks, but Gina keeps her head down, which means the answer is no. Ricky drops his bag and kneels down to gina.

"G, listen, I know we've been off lately...and I don't know what's going on with you and Nini, but I've been in your shoes, it was hard for us when she moved to Denver, but you 2 are better than the both of us. Ever since I've met you, you have this...thing about you that's so-"

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