2 Boys From The Wrong Side Part 3

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Debbie Caswell was teaching Remedial Goodness to the VKs, but they weren't really paying attention. They were doing literally anything else than paying attention. "If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?"

Nini was the first to raise her hand. "Nini!"

"What was the second one?" Nini's question made the others stop what their doing at look at her confused. "Okay anyone else?" Debbie asked.


Ricky's eyes dart off his sketches and looked at the board. "C. Give it a bottle."

"Correct. Again."

"You are on fire, boy!" Big Red exclaimed.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

Just then, a young girl skimmers in. She had brown eyes and curly orange hair, scared of the VKs. "Hello, dear one" Debbie smiled at the girl.

"Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation" she said. Ricky immediately perked up, finally, something interesting was happening.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Ashlyn?"

"Mom! No!"

"It's okay. Ashlyn, this is everyone" Debbie pushed Ashlyn in front and she turned to the VKs with a nervous look. "Hi."

The other VKs just looked at her, but Big Red showed a smile and waved at her. "That's okay, don't mind me. As you were" Ashlyn quickly walked away, but little did she know a plan was forming in Ricky's head.

--After class--

Lily and her friend Tonya Freeman were walking down the halls laughing, but their laughter came to an end once they saw Ricky and Big Red at their lockers. As EJ walked by, Tonya stopped him and pointed at the VKs. "Those kids are trouble."

EJ looked at the VKs but only smiled. "Come on, Tonya. Give 'em a chance."

Lily only smiled and took EJ's hand. "No offense, Eej, but you're just too trusting. Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That boy's mother."

EJ once again turned back at Ricky, who was painting a dragon on his locker, looking from his locker to Spell Book, everyone was staring at him, but he didn't care. "Well I think you're wrong about them, especially Ricky," EJ said before walking over to him.

As Ricky closed his locker, he turns to EJ, who was leaning on the locker next to him grinning. "Hey!"

"Hey, prince" Ricky smirked."

"How was the first day?"

"Super," Ricky said. Both boys couldn't stop smiling at each other, they were kinda like, always having to feel like they need to prove themselves to their parents, always having to be the best at what they can do. They had a lot in common, they just didn't know it yet.

"You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class. I could, uh, sign you up. What do you think?" EJ asked. Ricky saw Ashlyn walk by nervously, time to try out his first plan, but first: The prince.

"Way to take all the fun out of it" he smirked. He quickly scrunched up his face and turned away. EJ couldn't help but smile at the boy, he's not like his mother, something's different about him, he could see it.

Ricky met up with Ashlyn outside the bathrooms. When Ashlyn brings up she'd rather be pretty and that Ricky has great curls, he takes out his Spell Book and does a spell that gives Ashlyn a new hairdo. When he brings up the wand, Ashlyn says that she doesn't use magic anymore.

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