2 Boys From The Wrong Side Part 2

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The Limo drives up to Auradon and they hear music. They all looked out and saw people playing instruments and dancers. "Aw man," Big Red groaned, covering his ears.

"Get a hold of yourself" Ricky punched him. When they get out, Nini does a quick twirl around while Ricky just crossed his arms. Kourtney and Big Red on the other hand came out arguing. Big Red fell on the floor with Kourtney's makeup laughing, Kourtney was strangling his legs.

"GIVE ME BACK MY STUFF!" Kourtney yelled.

Nini tapped Ricky on the shoulder getting his attention. She points at the three people walking up to them. One was an adult woman with vibrant red hair, the other was a young man with raven-colored hair, ocean eyes, and a wide smile, and the last was a girl with long curly blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Guys, GUYS! We have an audience!" Ricky says. Kourtney quickly lets go of Big Red and helps him up. "Just cleaning up. Get up."

"I would leave it as you found it. And by that I mean just leave it" the woman says. "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Debbie Caswell, Headmistress."

"The Debbie Caswell? As in Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?" Rick asked, twirling his finger around.

"Bibbidi-Bobbidi, you know it."

Ricky claps his hands together and tilted his head with a smirk. "Ya know, I've always wondered...what it's felt like for Audrey Freeman when you showed with the sparkly wand, and that warm smile...and that sparkly wand."

(I don't know, I'm just remembering that girl who Kourtney didn't like in season one, Tonya)

"That was a long time ago. And as I've said: Don't worry about the past or you'll miss the future" Debbie said. Ricky raises his eyebrows and nods, pretending to care.

The raven-haired boy walked forward with a wide and welcoming smile. "It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm EJ."

"Prince...EJ Caswell. Soon to be king!" The blonde-haired girl squealed.

"This is Lily."

"Princess Lily. His girlfriend! Right Eej?" Lily grabbed EJ's hand and smiled.

Someone's gotta thing for titles here Ricky mumbled to himself, rolling his eyes.

"I trust EJ and Lily are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews" Debbie said and walked away, with the singers and dancers after her.

"It is so, so, so good to finally meet you all" EJ walked up to the teenagers and shake their hands. When he gets to Ricky, they both stare into each other's eyes for a while, there was something about Ricky that EJ found...interesting.

The boys quickly escape their own thoughts and come back to earth, EJ moves away from Ricky and shakes the other's hands. "This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... Is that chocolate?" EJ asked, Big Red licked his fingers that were filled with chocolate. "As the day our two peoples began to heal."

"The day that you show 4 people where the bathrooms are" Ricky sways back and forth, getting EJ's attention.

"A little bit over the top?" EJ asked.

"A little more than a little, yeah," Ricky says.

"Well, so much for my first impression" EJ responded, both boys chuckle at each other, thinking the same thing.

He seems pretty interesting.

"Hey, you're Lynne Bowen's son, aren't you?" Lily interrupts them with a fake smile. "You know I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff" Lily giggled. Ricky's eyes widened at her comment

"Oh, my mom's Olivia. Sleeping"

"Keegan! Yeah, I heard the name" it was Ricky's turn to interrupt her, but she still kept a fake smile on her face. "You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening."

"Water under the bridge" Lily assumed and Ricky agreed. Both teenagers shared a fake laugh, it was very clear that those 2 were not gonna get along anytime soon.

"How about a tour?" EJ asked, trying to ease the tension between. Ricky rather quickly shot his attention towards EJ and nodded with this time, an actual genuine smile. The teenagers walk inside the school, and someone at the stairs gets EJ's attention.

"Gina! Hey!"

EJ walked towards the stairs and helped Gina down, who shows a sweet smile.

"This is Gina Porter. She'll be able to answer any questions you have and show you the dorms."

"I'll see you around, okay?" EJ asked the Villain Kids, but he was mainly focused on Ricky, who shared the same focus. "And if you have any questions, feel free to-"

"Ask Gina" Lily interrupts and quickly leaves them, pulling EJ with her.

"Hi, I'm Gina, Terri Porter's daughter."

As soon as she finishes her sentence, the 3 teens turn to Nini, who instead puts a sweet smile on her face. "Nini. Dana Salazar-Robert's daughter" Nini walked towards her and shook her hand. For 2 girls whose parents were sworn enemies, they seemed to get along really well and really fast, unlike Ricky and Lily.

"Okay. So about your classes, I, uh, put in the requirements already... history of woodsmen and pirates, safety rules for the Internet, and, uh, remedial goodness 101."

Ricky walked next to Gina and placed his arm on her shoulder. "Let me guess. New class? Yay" he rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Come on guys, let's go find our dorms."

The 4 walked up the stairs until Gina told them the dorms were the other way. They had different dorms, Big Red and Ricky had one, while Nini and Kourtney have another.

Late at night, the boys snuck into the girls Dorm Room. Nini was fiddling with a bunch of stuff on her bed, while Kourtney was closing the blinds.

"What are you doing?" Ricky walked up to Nini, looking at all the stuff she had on her bed. Most were just royal stuff. "It's called stealing, I charmed a couple princesses out of their wallets."

"Well, you can revel in your...accomplishments...or you could leave all this here and pick it up when we take over the world" Ricky scoffed. "You do it your way, and I'll do it mine" Nini walked away.

Ricky looked at his friends, they were all doing their own things and weren't even paying attention to their mission. "Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Ricky asked, but his friends were too busy to focus.

"That wand thing? Totally focus, Rick" Big Red said, not taking his eyes on his phone.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents!" Ricky snapped. Finally getting their attention, Nini, Kourtney, and Big Red look at their leader. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel."


"Yeah" his friends nod at him.

"Nini, Mirror me," he says. The 4 crowds around Nini as she took out her magic mirror. "Mirror Mirror, on the...in my hand, where does Debbie Caswell's Wand...stand?" The mirror magically shows a picture of the Magic Wand. "There it is!"

"But where is there?" Ricky asked. Big Red quickly takes out his computer and starts to type. "Got it! 2.3 miles from here. In the Museum."

(Yeah, I'm just gonna skip the Museum stuff cause that's too much to write about)

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