"Dumbledore?" I ask, seeing him appear on the other side of the shop, on the right of the trains going by.

He appears while one passes.

Me and Harry leave the shop, and go around to Dumbledore, seeing him looking at a poster of a woman with writing advertising something.

"You've been reckless this summer, Harry" Dumbledore says.

"Always about Harry" I mutter, sighing heavily.

I notice Dumbledore's fingers are black and look really unnatural compared to the rest of his hand.

"I like riding around on trains. Takes my mind off things" Harry says.

"Rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it?" Dumbledore asks about his hand "The tail is thrilling, if I say so myself. But now is not the time to tell it. Take my arm" Dumbledore says, putting his arms out.

"Harry, prepare yourself" I warn, then hold Dumbledore's arm, waiting for Harry.

Harry looks back at the diner, and I follow his gaze to the girl, who's looking around for him.

"Do as I say" Dumbledore says.

Harry takes Dumbledore's arm, and we apparate away, Harry yelling the whole time.

We land in a dark street with a few lamps lit around for minimal light.

"I just apparated, didn't I?" Harry asks, swallowing and breathing heavily.

"Indeed. Quite successfully too, might I add. Most people vomit the first time" Dumbledore says.

"Can't imagine why" Harry says, not sounding sarcastic at all, but sounding sarcastic at the same time.

Dumbledore turns and starts walking, so me and Harry follow after him, keeping the same pace as him.

"Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton. Harry, I assume right about now you must be wondering why I brought you here. Am I right?" Dumbledore asks, stopping in front of a dark, deserted and abandoned house.

"Actually sir, after all these years, I just sort of go with it" Harry admits.

Dumbledore stares at the blackening house.

"Wands out, you 2" he calls, so I quickly take out my wand, Harry and Dumbledore doing so too.

We walk inside he house, then cast Lumos, walking around and seeing all the broken interior.

There's ripped paintings, broken glass on the floor, wood everywhere, just a general mess.

"Horace" Dumbledore whisper-calls.

We walk into a room and there's too much stuff on the floor that I alsomt trip, but I quickly catch myself.

Paper scatters the floor as well as glass, and I dripping noise echoes through the room, making me turn to find it.

I look at Harry, and he has a drop of something on his forehead. He goes to wipe it, but Dumbledore pups his hand down, picking it up with his finger and dabbing it onto his tongue.

I Do | Fred Weasley x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora