Chapter 4.

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What was that noise?

Claire kept the cookie dough in the oven to bake. "I bet that will taste delicious" I said.

"I was working at a bakery and mastered the baking process so I'm not too bad myself" she said proudly.

It was already 8pm and I've just brought pajamas and morning clothes for the night. To be honest, I came to her house to eat her cookies because I didn't cook food in my house hehe.

After 20mins, the cookies were done and I jumped from the chair. "Woah slow down" Claire said. I went to take a plate and picked cookies. Claire went to her TV to put Netflix.

"Ooh lets watch a movie to spice up this sleepover" I said, she was clearly annoyed. She picked a movie.

Till death.

"That's gonna be good, cuz I love thriller" I said.

1.2hours later...
We watched the movie and it was so good and we realized that there was a part 2 and watched it of course.

1hr later...

We finished the movie and it was already 10pm, time runs by so fast. "I'm gonna go sleep, you're gonna sleep in the couch because I don't have a guest room" she said.

"Well that's okay" I said. I kept watching movies while Claire went to her room to sleep. I slept by 11pm.

Next morning...

I woke up feeling better than yesterday, I didn't see any sign of Claire.

Maybe she was in her room.

I went to look for her bathroom but it wasn't hard to find it because it was written on the door "Bathroom."

I freshened up and made some breakfast but Claire still didn't come out, I even made some breakfast for her. I went up stairs to her room, I knocked, no answer, I knocked again, then I gave up.

I opened the door and the first thing I saw was blood.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed and a tear dropped from my eye. I covered my mouth and tried to comprehend what was happening.

Claire was lying dead on her bedroom, stabbed. What is happening?

I picked my bag and ran away from her house without looking back, I got into my house feeling unsafe.

"Claire was stabbed, how was she stabbed? But I was in her house, how did the killer enter her hou-" I paused and realized that I heard a 'bang' noise when I was in her house.

"Maybe the killer got into her house when I was with her" I got goosebumps when I said that. "Didn't she lock her doors? And how did he enter to kill her?" I'm really going crazy, I have to tell the police" I said.
Hey my friends, I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far, because I feel disappointed ☹️ because I had a test tomorrow and I wrote in a rush but whatever. I'm gonna be writing 400 to 500 words and not like how I wrote the last time. Pls like, comment, share, vote and follow!!

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