Chapter 2.

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I think I should buy some groceries later. I took  a nap and woke up around 9pm, I slept for 4 hrs and I don't wanna go to work late again tomorrow. I thought. "I should go get some groceries, but it's late, nah whatever" I said as I grabbed my purse.

I went to Walmart to grab some food and I spent 30mins buying stuff, it was already 9:50pm, time went by really fast. I went to pay for my stuff.

I got out of the store and it was dark outside. I didn't want to walk home because it's late. I called an Uber, but it was hard t I find one because it was already around 10pm.

I waited for 20 freaking minutes for an Uber. I finally got into the Uber and drove to my neighborhood. I got there around 10:30ish.

I got into my house and went to the kitchen to set the groceries down, then I realized something. Shoot.

I left my purse in the Uber.

I was so mad. I just rushed out of the house and the Uber was far gone. I had to call the Uber again to come back. I waited for 25mins, ughh.

"I'm really sorry for the inconvenience" I said. It was 10:45pm. Time's running.

I went upstairs to my room and went on social media, and scrolled, scrolled, scrolled. I got bored.

I tried to sleep but I just didn't fall asleep and I didn't want to go to work late.

It was already 11:00pm. What should I do? Should I go to Yara's house and hang with her? I thought.

Screw it. I'm going to Yara's. I picked my keys and headed to her house. Her house was just 4 houses away.

I knocked. "It's me, Zara" I said and she opened. "The hell are you doing here by this time?" She asked looking tired.

"I'm sorry, I was just bored and wanted to hang with you and I can't sleep." I said. "Well I can." She said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm just staying fora little while, well before 11:30pm I guess" I said. "Do you have any alcohol beverage, I'm thirsty" I was whining.

"Drink water" Yara said in a teasing tone. "Haha very funny, I want something that will cool my body down, I've been tired all day". I said.

"I have some drinks in the fridge, but I'll soon run out of them" she said. I went to her fridge and took a soju drink. *Soju drink is a South Korean alcoholic beverage*

10mins later...
"Screw my boss for always yelling at me for coming late to work" I said. "You're drunk, Zara". Yara said.
"No I'm not". I cried. "You should get going, it's late" Yara said.

"Yh I should get better going, I mean better get going" I said and headed outside. I was walking home until I heard a loud bang in a house that was opposite a house in my neighborhood.

What's going on? I thought. Should I go check it out?

It was coming from the backyard of the house and I went to know what was happening. A girl was trying to scream to her screams were muffled.

I think someone was covering her mouth.

The girl tried to fight back but failed. She was stabbed in front of my eyes and I gasped loudly. I bent down so the killer won't see me from the window. I was terrified.

Someone was killed again. And that someone was my old classmate, Brielle.
Hey my friends, thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoyed this cuz I wrote in a rush and I'm pretty disappointed :( but anyways I'll try my best and keep u guys updated. I'm sorry if there is any mistake because I don't cross-check my writing :( Pls like, comment vote and also share!!

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