Chapter 14

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The cackle turned to a sudden gasp, and then silence, as the man toppled forward, the top half of his body on the table, revealing a dagger in the back of his neck while blood spread across the tabletop. The three crossbowmen stood in shock, staring at the body as it slid slowly off the table onto the floor. Stepping into the room was Medya, dressed in light desert garb and holding two more daggers.

"Like father, like son," she smirked and then threw her daggers at the two men closest to Inez and the dark clad figure who was Katja in disguise. One had his eye pierced and fell with a scream, and the other was hit in the neck causing blood to fountain everywhere and only had time to gurgle while he died. Nahmia had drawn a vicious looking dirk as soon as the man near her had turned his back to stare at Medya and drove it now up under his ribs and into his heart.

"Too bad his dad taught me invisibility to be unobtrusive," Medya said with a chuckle.

"Are there more outside?" Inez asked.

"No, this was all of them. I checked as they came in. But it wouldn't shock me if more know where they went, so we can't stay here." Medya stated. "We need to get back to the inn."

"There is a back door, come on!" exclaimed Nahmia.

"Wait, Medya, grab a scarf to hide your features!" Katja suggested. "Let's take just a minute before we rush into more danger."

"Good idea, everyone should have their face hidden," admitted Medya, giving Katja a hug in gratitude. She was constantly coming up with good ideas. She then helped Inez, who was grabbing several colorful scarves from the front shop and then distributed them. They took the weapons and coins from the clan fighters as well, and then were ready to go.

Nahmia took the time to lever up a floorboard under a rug in the back room, pulling out a chest that had her armor and weapons in it. It also had a small pouch with the rest of Medya's payment in it. "This might help as well."

"Perfect!" Inez exclaimed. "Medya, can we get this into your backpack?"

"Of course!" replied Medya, who took the backpack off Katja before putting the chest into it and slinging it onto her own back instead. "If that is all, let's go.

Nahmia lead the way through what had looked to be a closet into an alley that ran behind the shop. After looking both ways to make sure there was nobody watching, the four moved at a quick trot to the end of the alley, and then merged into the rest of the pedestrians, while making their way to the inn. They were constantly on the lookout for more danger, or anyone with the Clan Akopa symbol on their clothing, but luckily had an uneventful journey.

Once inside the inn, they walked calmly to the stairs, and then ran the whole way to the room, dropping the bar across it and then pushing the dresser in front.

"You know, when you two adopted me, I didn't know I was going to be an outlaw with you." Katja giggled while laying back on the bed.

"You have a daughter?" Nahmia asked, surprised.

"She's not my daughter," Inez replied.

"Yes I am. You're my mom whether you like it or not. Medya too," Katja said, sticking her tongue out.

"You're together?" Nahmia was even more confused.

"No." Medya said flatly. She was done hoping. Inez's family owned her. How could she possibly have a future with someone who would feel guilty every time she saw her hip? How could they ever be intimate without one or both of them crying over it? It had been a fantasy to begin with, and now reality was crashing into it.

Inez just looked at her, her heart hurting to hear her tone of voice. She didn't know what to do. How do you apologize for your entire family for what they had done, especially when one of their victims was the woman you loved? How do you show them that they're still perfect?

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