Life At Casa Gundham

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        Nagito stood in the small room, scanning the area. He was exhausted from the walk home. Though the islands were not far apart, it was still a good mile from the third island to the cottages that they still called home. Gundham had gathered some of his personal items and brought them to him. To make this a easier transition for him. He still hated it.
             The cottages here in the real world had one tiny difference from their counterparts in the simulation. Some of them had adjoining doors to the room next to them. That was the case with Gundham and Sonia's...and now, his cottage. While it afforded him a little bit of privacy, he had a feeling that Sonia in particular would insist on checking up on him. Halloween can't get here fast enough. Nagito thought as he walked over to the bed. He set his small suitcase on the floor and sat on the bed. He wasn't sleepy, just emotionally exhausted. 
           Gundham stood in the doorway that separated their living spaces. "The Dark Queen wishes to inform you, that dinner is in an hour." He said with a smile.
         "I guess she won't believe you if you tell her I'm not hungry" Nagito said quietly.
         "I would not even attempt it." Gundham moved to sit next to him on the bed. "I get the feeling that The White Serpent is not pleased with the new arrangement."
          "I'm sorry." Nagito whispered. "My moods have been all over the place lately." 
          "After the week you have had, who could blame you?" Gundham said putting a comforting arm around his shoulder. 
          Nagito sat forward. Leaning his arms on his knees.  "I miss him already." He said, looking at the framed picture of Hajime on the bedside table. He looked up at Gundham again. "I'm going to lay down for a little while." He said with a sigh.  "Come get me when dinner is ready."
         "I am hoping that you will settle in quickly." Gundham said quietly. "The Dark Queen is most excited to have you here." He looked toward the doorway as he saw her pass by slowly.
Nagito smiled politely, and turned away. He was hoping that he wasn't being rude, but he really wanted to be alone right now. "I'm really tired." He lied.
"Understood." Gundham said, quietly closing the door.


"How is he?" Sonia asked concerned.
"He says he's tired." Gundham said, shrugging his shoulders.
"He doesn't seem to be himself." She said, sitting on the edge of the couch.
"He's a little quieter than usual." Gundham was pacing in front of her. "But, after that She-Beast defiled him the way she did, I think he is doing remarkably well."
"I still can't believe it..." She said shaking her head. "And she's not being punished at all?"
"It appears not." He said sitting next to her, and wrapping his arms around her waist. "The Illusionist says that she is reporting to him today for reconditioning."
"Is Nagito aware of that?"
"The Unicorn was supposed to inform him today." He said looking away from her. "I fear that The White Serpent did not take the news very well."
"If that is the case, should we not leave him alone for very long?" She said standing suddenly and walking towards the closed door.
"The White Serpent tends to be territorial when he is upset. I would recommend giving him his space." Gundham said grabbing onto her arm. "We must be patient, and let the reptile shed his accursed skin." He motioned for her to sit back down. "The White Serpent is an expert at building up walls. The more we try to break them down, the stronger they will become."
"I just can't stand to see him in so much pain." She said, sitting on the other side of him. "There must be something I can do to help him."
"We are already doing all we can for him." Gundham whispered to her. "He is aware that we are here if he needs us." He placed his hand in the small of her back and kissed her on the cheek. "If I had been his keeper this whole time. He would not have summoned me in his darkest hour." He looked her in the eyes now. "Do you comprehend, dear lady?"
She lowered her eyes, feeling defeated. "Yes." Was all she could say.

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