Come With Me

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           Nagito sat at the edge of the bed, holding Hajime's hand, watching every move he made. He was amazed at how poised he was, having just woken up from the edge of death. He was smiling and laughing.   Answering questions as if this were an everyday occurrence. Every so often, he would look over at Nagito and wink. As if to say, 'don't worry, they will be gone soon.'  Nagito just smiled back, but the noise in the room was clearly getting to him.
           "I think I need some rest." Hajime said, looking around at all of their faces. 
         "Of course." Makoto said, backing away and motioning to the others to leave as well. "We will see you tomorrow then." He smiled and led them all out of the room.
           "Alone at last." Hajime said, pulling Nagito closer to him. "I missed you." He slid his other arm around his waist. 
            "It was only an hour." Nagito said,  cupping his face in his hands. "But I missed you too."  He looked down, feeling sad. "I'm leaving in three hours." 
         "So we're just gonna make the most of the time we have." Hajime's smile wavered. "I'm sorry for scaring you."  He reached up and brushed a stray hair from Nagito's forehead. "Come here, I really need a kiss right about now."
        "Me too." Nagito said, holding back tears. He leaned in, surrendering to the kiss. Before he knew it, he was on his feet and climbing into the bed, holding on to Hajime as if letting go would make him disappear. 
           "If I wasn't wired in here, I'd be ripping your clothes off." Hajime whispered in his ear. As if it were triggered by the mere thought, the heart monitor started beeping loudly. "Oh, what the fuck! Really?" Hajime yelled. Nagito jumped. Both from the noise of the monitor and the rising of Hajime's voice. "Oh, Ko, I'm sorry...shhh, it's ok..." he said hugging him close, kissing the top of his head.

Komaru entered the room a moment later. "It's ok to cuddle." She said, her eyes avoiding Nagito. She reached over and adjusted a lead on Hajime's chest. "But you have to be careful not to knock these loose."
Nagito sat up, reaching a hand out to her. She backed away instinctively. "I wanted to tell you." He said his eyes lowered. "I'm truly sorry."
Komaru stopped for a moment and looked at him. "Do you even remember me?" She asked.
Nagito looked down at his hands before answering. "No. I don't. But, you called me Servant. I just figured that I must have wronged you in some way." He looked away, trying to hide his embarrassment. "My mind has been slow at recalling...probably due to my illness."
"Wronged me....huh, could say that." She said, her anger rising with every word. "Well, I can't accept that. Until you can actually remember what you are apologizing for, it's just empty words." She turned away from him. Walking towards the door. "Look up Towa City." She said in a huff. "That may jog that memory of yours." With that she left.
"Well, that was rude." Hajime said quietly. "You really don't remember her?" He asked, sincerely wanting to know.
"No." Nagito was sitting up on the edge of the bed now. "I wonder how many people I've harmed." He wrapped his coat tighter around him. "I wish there was a way to atone for it."
"Hey, come here." Hajime said, tugging on the bottom of his coat. Nagito turned to look at him, smiling sadly. "Even if you don't remember it, I know that you are sorry. I know your heart is in the right place." He laid his head in Nagito's lap. "She will come around...who can help but fall in love with you."
Nagito smiled, leaning down to kiss him. "I think you are a little biased, my love." He sat up again, feeling tired. "Scoot over, we can take a little nap." He said nudging Hajime to sit as well.
Hajime shifted slightly, being careful not to disconnect any of the leads. "As you wish, my angel." He said, making room for him to lay next to him.

Nagito slipped off his coat, and draped it over the chair next to the bed and laid down, pulling Hajime closer to him. He grabbed his hand and smiled. He didn't even flinch when Hajime turned his arm over to expose the new cuts on his arm. "I'm sorry." He said quietly. "I didn't mean to..." He started to explain. Only for Hajime to put a finger on his lips.
"It's ok." He said, lifting the arm and gently kissing the scabbed over cuts. "I love all of you." He said quietly, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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