Chapter 24: Quenti

Start from the beginning

"Khuno!" a voice came out of nowhere, shaking Quenti free from her thoughts.

A little boy no older than five leaped into Khuno's arms, "Urco stole my ball and told me I wasn't allowed to play it anymore."

"Well, that just won't do, now will it?" Khuno said, hitching the small boy onto her hip.

The boy's eyes were a bright green, and they swiveled suddenly to meet Quenti's before going wide.

"Capac, meet Quenti. Quenti, this is Capac, my monkey of a cousin."

Capac said nothing, eyes still fixed on Quenti's. She tried to give him a smile, but it only made him squirm.

"Put me down! We need to go attack Urco." The boy said this matter-of-factly.

"I left my spear at home, but let's see what we can do," Khuno said, obliging to put Capac down. "Lead the way."


Capac solemnly led them to a larger platform a few bridges away. It was empty except for four children, no older than Capac. Between them floated a ball of stretched leather.

Quenti could only assume Urco was the long-haired boy who was grinning with a joyful maliciousness that only young children can muster. His hand was outstretched as he used his air abilities to raise the ball just out of reach of the other three children.

Khuno stopped on the edge of the platform, frowning.

"Give me my ball back or Khuno will defeat you," Capac proclaimed.

Urco glanced up briefly, seeing Khuno and Quenti on the edge of the platform. "You've brought the mage spy!"

Capac paled slightly at this, looking back at Quenti in suspicion again.

Khuno leaned down and whispered something in the boy's ear, and then motioned for Quenti to join. Quenti stepped forward, joining the now impromptu huddle.

"Can you distract Urco with some clouds?" Khuno asked Quenti with a conspiratorial smile.

"I..." Quenti looked at Khuno quizzically. Khuno shook her head sadly and wave her hand, pulling together a small drop of water from the air.

"Alas, I am too tired to fight. You are our only hope."

Quenti smirked. "I think I can manage."

Khuno looked back at Capac. "You know what to do?"

The boy nodded.

"Then on my signal."

Khuno stood back up. "Urco, you have challenged our loyalties. Do you retract it?"

The small boy only stuck out his tongue and made the ball float higher.

"So be it," Khuno said.

With a look from Khuno, Quenti snapped her fingers and sent the water around them rushing into a cloud above Urco's head. She waved her fingers slightly, tempted to let it rain on the young boy, but she simply let it swirl around him.

The little boy let out a squeal of irritation and the ball flew higher still. Quenti had to laugh a little at the uncoordinated movement. It was clear he was trying to blow the cloud away while keeping the ball in the air, but he was too young and unpracticed. The ball wavered, but didn't fall.

Before Quenti could comment on the plan not working, she saw Capac beside her moving his fingers. She looked up at the ball and saw with a sudden huff of surprise that vines were growing down from a branch above the platform. In an instant, the vines had wrapped around the ball and were moving down toward Capac's outstretched hand.

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