it all comes crashing down

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It was a shivering December, and the old van was sputtering sparks of warmth towards Crescent's icy cheeks. She ironically chewed the icier peppermint gum, the cold freezing her lungs, making it a difficulty to breathe as usual. Her pneumonia was acting up again, but she wouldn't get her inhaler until her parents made it to their new apartment in New York City.

Her chunky magenta headphones vibrated with pleasant sound in her ear canals, her hands moving in rhythm. As she continued to masochistically chew her gum, she looked briefly out the window. It was relatively empty, with a few cars whizzing by here and there. She then fixed her gaze on her parents. Her father drove with one hand, and a smile of content could be seen through the rearview mirror. Her mother held her father's other hand tenderly, her gaze fixated on him lovingly.

Her heart ached in many ways at the sight. One was the sharp air she breathed. Another was the amount of loving she felt in the van alone. The last was envy. She wanted to love someone as much as her parents loved each other. The loving, the tranquility: who knew that it would all be ripped away in an instant?


"Leo! The road! We have to chase these Kraang off of our shells! Focus!" Donnie mouthed off at Leo, who was busy arguing and not paying attention to the road.

"Um, yeah! I don't want to be roadkill, dude!" Mikey clung to April and proceeded to squeal in terror as the bumps and swerves orchestrated an allegro of disaster.

"Leo! We should have just busted their vans as soon as we left TCRI! I told you it was gonna end up like this! Why don't you ever listen to me?"

Raph was up at the front of the Shellraiser, running his thoughts out of his mouth and projecting the problems at hand on the leader, Leo.

"Will everyone shut up please! I'm the leader, just let me do this!" Leonardo was furious. He knew he messed up, but the past can't be changed.

Just then, Leo jolted the steering wheel, causing the vehicle to make a disgusting nails on chalkboard noise. Everyone sitting in the car jumped a foot high, and those standing hit the roof. The vehicle ran into a small ditch on the side of the road. They hit another car, and it didn't sound like a Kraang van.

"Is everyone okay?" April asked, attempting to lift Mikey's weight off of her.

"I'm fine."

"My head hurts."

"I think we just hit someone." Donnie said, shock and horror intertwined in his tone.


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