12.Rooftop Chat

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As Izuku finished tying the two up, he stiffened, and moments later a tired voice spoke up from the end of the alleyway

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As Izuku finished tying the two up, he stiffened, and moments later a tired voice spoke up from the end of the alleyway. "Justice." Izuku slowly turned around, finding Aizawa giving him a mild glare. "What the hell?"

"You're going to need to be more specific, Eraser."

"How. Not only are you alive, but already out cracking skulls again?"

Izuku cocked his head, stalling as he looked for a way out of this, a hand already creeping to a side pocket of his bag. "Um... yes?"

Aizawa sighed. "Last I saw you, you were beaten half to death, but you still disappeared, and then, faster than what should normally be possible, you're out and about again... Is that your quirk, regeneration?"

"Yes, no, who can say? What about you, last I saw, your arm was hurt pretty badly."

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Unlike you, I got actual medical help, and Recovery Girl helped with her quirk." He seemed to ponder something before turning to Izuku again and bowing. "Thank you."


"You heard me. If it wasn't for you things could have been worse."

"I-I, you can't be serious, I didn't really do much," Izuku protested. "I'm just a simple vigilante, there's no need for a hero like you to bow to me!"

"You can't be serious. You pretty much said the same thing back at the USJ, but, even if you're not an actual hero, it doesn't mean you're not doing good. I mean, the public decided to give you the name Justice."

"Which, first off, I'm not a big fan of, sounds pretentious to me. Secondly, you're a hero, should you really be patting a person on the back for breaking the law?"

Aizawa rolled his eyes again, before gesturing to the roof. "Why don't we get out of here, walk and talk. The police should be here soon and I'm sure you don't plan on getting caught soon."

Izuku eyed him suspiciously before scrambling up the side of the building, Aizawa following up after him, before the two began traveling across rooftops. "Why, it wasn't too long ago that you were chasing me."

"Mainly, that was pressure from the police. You were getting quite a bit of attention-"

"Which kinda sucks, really."

Aizawa smirked. "And you were also a little rough. Don't get me wrong, I won't defend the people you caught, but that did make them want to bring you in sooner. Especially when you ended up beating up the son of a business man that has made many donations to the police force."

"So just another person in a position of authority abusing his power. You still never really answered me."

"Heh, well, you're not the first vigilante I've met, I even worked with a couple of them. Though, mostly when they stick to the everyday hooligans. Don't get me wrong, you got some skill, but things are different now, I think you should drop this, as soon as possible."

Izuku glanced over at Aizawa as he jumped across a larger gap in buildings, grabbing onto a ladder. "And what exactly has changed?"

Aizawa gave him a look. "How about the fact that I'm sure you've pissed off a new, seemingly large and powerful villain group. One that's capable of turning people into super soldiers that can go fight All Might."

"Pot calling the kettle black, didn't your school decide to go through with things, including the sports festival despite having been infiltrated not too long ago? What if they attacked again, then you could've had the death of students, staff, AND civilians."

"That's different, we're a top hero school, training heroes, staffed with heroes, and we made sure to tighten security."

"Ah yes, you're training quite the heroes. I can't wait for the debut of the Grapist, Prince Peppermint, the hero who holds back, and the top hero student, the explosive pomeranian that screams bully, and got destroyed by a Gen Ed kid that didn't seem to have a combative quirk. Future top 3 material right there."

Aizawa gave him a tired glare. "The first one has been removed from the hero course. We'll try what we can with Todoroki, and as for Bakugo, we're, we're looking into that."

Izuku raised his eyebrows under his disguise. 'Someone doing something about Bakugo? Now that's a first.' Izuku climbed up the ladder. "Well, I think it's too late now, I've jumped in head first, pissed off quite the hornets nest, and there's no changing that. But don't worry, I'm not after them."

"But you are after someone."

Izuku shrugged his shoulders. "Just looking to help arrest people."

"You should leave that to the professionals. There's no need for you to put your life on the line like this."

"The professionals? Which ones exactly, the ones who abuse their power? The ones who won't lift a finger unless it'll earn them some fame!" Izuku whipped around to face Aizawa. "The same ones that let the real villains get away? The cruel ones, who're willing to kill on sight, because they refuse to see the fact that despite their life choices, they're people too! What about the professionals who'll look at someone who has been hurt and cast away, and choose to ignore them as well! Even All Might is ruining things! The fool doesn't know restraint, and now, because of his plus ultra or bust style of doing things, there are hardly any heroes out there seeking to improve, seeking the top! And everyone refuses to see that he's just human! Eventually his career's going to come to an end, hell, he's got two feet in the grave already, and the moment he's gone, things will go to hell! We probably only got a year, and once it happens, when shit hits the fan, hundreds will die! Villains will come pouring out of the woodworks, and our hero system that has been held up by one man, will not be able to keep up! You want me to leave things up to the professionals. Fine, I will, once they get their shit together. But until then, people like me have to pick up the slack." Izuku turned his back to Aizawa and looked down, where it looked like a fight between two drunks were about to start. Ignoring it, he jumped to the next building.

"You're going to ignore them?"

"Despite the name the people gave me, I have no delusions of me being a hero. Now make a choice, stop them before things get out of hand, or chase me, and probably lose me again."

Aizawa swore before jumping down, and Izuku ran off, neither noticing the figure that lit a cigarette the moment they left. "Now then, what an interesting conversation."

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