déjà vu

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There she is, Serenity. She looks a bit different but still prettier than ever. I see her laying on her bed giggling, ugh I love her laugh. But really I just love everything about her. I go closer to see her. I notice another body. Assuming it was me because this feel like a dream but it's not..instead it's Kathrine giving her little kisses on her neck and forehead. Oh I see...she replaced me so quickly. The words she said to me it was only for the time being but she just moved on so fast it hurts. This must not be real right? Well in reality I'm still not with her either. I was so stupid to ignore her all those times. Maybe if I gave her a chance to explain herself she'll be honest. Maybe this dream is telling me to give her a chance or maybe what I hope it's not telling me but mostly is since my heart refuse to accept the truth...maybe it's telling me she's happier with someone else and I should respect that even if it's not with me. No matter how many things Kathrine did to me to get her way but she won and got the victory prize. One day I'll find my soulmate.

-new message from serenity-
Hey I've been trying to reach you and I feel like you've been ignoring me or maybe I'm just overthinking this idk. I just miss you really I do I just didn't know what I did wrong please just talk to me. Please if you wanna talk come over any time we can watch your favorite romance cuddle I can cook for you again anything I just miss you.

Damn that dream was definitely telling me to give her another chance. But my gut is telling me she's just gonna hurt me again and lie. But I miss her too so I'll just meet up with her. What's the worse that can happen?

I ring the door and no response. I try again and still no response. Maybe she isn't home but she just sent me that so she has to be. I tug the doorknob and it's already unlocked. I wonder why...well she must've been expecting my company. I don't see her downstairs and her parents aren't home. Oh maybe she's waiting for me in her room. I walk up there seeing her laying up on her bed giggling.Ugh I just love her laugh. I step a little closer to her and notice another body. Who could it be? I didn't see anyone else's shoes. I look over and there she is.

Kathrine, kissing her forehead and neck up and down. Is this some sort of déjà vu?? I storm away and Serenity looks up and notices my figures. She runs after me.
"JADE WAIT it's not what it looks like" she sighs
"What do you mean??!!
"You send me a message begging to see me again because you miss me?? Such bullshit. I thought you loved me? YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME AS WE DANCED THE NIGHT AWAY! All these things you said did you really mean it or did you purposely do that to the lonely fatass. You know I really was stupid enough to fall for you and your little lies. So thanks."
"Wait I can explain.  -
I slam the door without hesitation. I can't bare to look at her anymore or even talk to her. She was the first girl I ever liked. The first person I felt safe around. The first person I let my guard down because they actually liked me for who I was. I'm such a fool. I hope Kathrine is happy that she finally got her victory prize.

Out Of Her League حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن