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Intro: Ninja Cat?

You know the intro! The Pj Masks were fighting Romeo from stealing a relic in the museum. (Which I am very sus about it) Romeo read studies that a relic can shape shift a human to their spirit animal with a hint of their soulmate. If Romeo use it, he can TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!! YET AGAIN!!! Maybe he will be a lion, snake, bear, or a gorilla. Something very big and strong or possibly create a minion. While the narrator was trying to explain to you, Romeo used a knockback blaster to push the pajama kids away. With desperate, he crashes his lab to the wall and snatch the powerful relic as he dashed away with full speed. However, Catboy managed to keep up with him using super speed. Romeo turned his security camera and see a blue pj boy with cat ears holding on the lab's back. Every single time the Pj Masks fight the night time villains, they always win! As anger took over, Romeo powered up the relic and zap Catboy! 

The relic's power description before Romeo snatched it:

Once a mortal being used the power of this ancient relic, they will transform to their spirit animal with colors and patterns giving the hint of their future mortal lover. The relic was used as a riddle for mortals to figure out who is (she or he) their love. 

Anyway back to Catboy!!!

Catboy shrank smaller and furry. Blue fur with white stars appeared. Blue eyes as the color of the sea. The lushes green grass felt a weight of blue paws. Catboy or should I say the blue cat woke up, dizzily. When his eyes refocused, he was shocked. "Romeo, turned me into a CAT!!!! AGAIN!!!"

(The author: NO HATE COMMENTS!!! I hope you understand what's going to happen next! I will be posting more chapters soon! If you have any questions, put them in the comments. Bye!)

Pj Masks: Ninja Cat!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang