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An hour and a half later you found yourself in a diner squeezed in a booth between Jungkook and Taehyung. How the two men with the broadest shoulders in the group decided they needed to sit next to each other and you between them. You didn't really know, but you did know the lack of elbow room was making it painfully hard to cut your waffles without rubbing your arm against Tae repeatedly. Something you were still self-conscious of even though he insisted he didn't mind.

Turns you after a giant Christmas tree falls you have to make a police report and call the city council who runs the festival.

You, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook left the fair after many rounds of questioning and begging for forgiveness (and your jobs).

Yoongi, Jin, and Hoseok all agreed to call in and attempted to vouch for you as witnesses, but only so much could be done.

Your saving grace at the moment was the fact that the tree was improperly secured. And the five of you were all waiting on calls from your bosses to determine if you got to keep your jobs through the holiday season.

The pay wasn't much and the hours were brutal, but something about working for the festival during Christmas was special. You wanted the distraction more than anything, and you dreaded the thought of losing it a week before the holidays.

Despite the somewhat bitter end of the night, you were all making an effort to stay positive. You suppose that's why you agreed to go to the diner with them so late in the night. You weren't ready to go home and face your own anxieties. And in the wise words of Jimin, there were only so many problems waffles couldn't fix.

"Y/N you should totally come sledding with us next time we go!" Jungkook cheered with a nudge as he and Jimin finished their story of how they ended up sledding down a hill and into a half-frozen lake.

"I think that story was a good example of exactly why I shouldn't join in," you laughed.

You didn't know Jimin's boyfriend well, but it didn't take much to see the boy was an absolute adrenaline junky. He ran the zero-gravity ride at the carnival, a spinning bunt pan-shaped ride of doom.

Jimin took you on it once after your shift and Jungkook nearly gave you a heart attack when he stepped out of his seat and started doing backflips while the thing was moving.

Now, whenever you walk past the ride and hear people screaming inside, you know it's not because of the ride itself, but the terror that the operator inside.

"How's your portfolio going, Y/N?" Jimin asked curiously.

You had complained about it to him, many times the past few weeks when you packed up the Santa set. And despite complaining about it so much you've made little to no progress.

You let yourself slide down the booth with a pout, "It's not," you whined in response. "I was going to go out tonight to try to take a few photos, but we got caught up in everything." you continued to explain.

"I'm so sorry Y/N!" Namjoon said guiltily.

You sighed, not wanting your excuse to make your friend feel bad, "Don't Joonie it doesn't really matter, it's not like I would get any good shots. I don't have a model, I would just be creepy and try to get shots of strangers on main street. It doesn't go over very well." you grumbled.

"Do you need a model?" Jungkook asked.

"Kinda, I'm more of a portrait-type photographer than landscape. I can do both, but I like capturing people more, and I don't want to fill my portfolio up with landscapes and give a potential employer the wrong idea." you sighed.

Timber  ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें