Chapter Forty-six

Start from the beginning

"It's not the right time" he stated in finality

And my eyes slowly peeled open and I casually stretched out my limbs before swinging my legs out of the bed and moving to a sitting position.

As I scratched the nape of my neck, I tried to recall my weird dream. The man's statement sounded so significant like it was something I should remember or take note of. It's not the right time. What does that really mean?

On the other hand, I was thankful that I didn't eat in my dream. Who knows what I'd be eating in the spiritual realm. I shuddered at the thought and raised my eyes to Oluchi's bed. She was sprawled out like a starfish, brain deep in sleep.

Freshly revived and energized from my nap, I was filled with clear insight and a sudden spirit of discernment. I was now certain of what my answer would be and was finally ready to communicate. The communication part would not exactly be a walk in the park. It would incur a lot of mental preparation and emotional bravery.

I reached for my phone behind me and searched for his contact. I stared at his number for more than a minute before tapping on it and sucking in my breath.

At the sound of the phone click, it was my turn to say these words. "Hey, uhm... are you busy?"


I'd been seated at my table in the eatery for over ten minutes, casually drumming my fingers on the table, picking and putting down my phone, sparingly glancing up at the door and around my environment. There was a family of four on the table beside me and I had caught their little girl staring my way a few times. I smiled subtly at the little child as our eyes met once again but she stared blankly at me then looked away and began to blabber off to her mother seated beside her.

Yee! My fault, my fault. I mentally covered one eye with my palm as I looked away.

My phone vibrated against the table and swiped up to answer before it rung out.

"This one you're answering my call. Is he not yet there?" Uju's voice came through.

"Nope" I threw a quick glimpse at the door.

She hummed and moved around in the background. "Nawa o"

"It hasn't been that long" I felt a slight need to defend his tardiness.

"Whatever, just let me know how it goes..." She muttered her next words.


"Nevermind... Out of all the places in this Lagos, you chose an eatery. Who is to pay for whatever you guys order there?" She said

"I dunno. Me, I guess... I called him out so I should pay" I replied

She snorted out small laughter. "Could never be me but do you, babe. Any--" she went abruptly silent and then rushed out. "I'll call you back later"


I glanced up at the door just in time for Emeka to stroll in. He had on a plain black T-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. His hair looked fuller than I last saw and it didn't look like it saw a comb before leaving the house. 

Yinka would never bear to step out of the house without running a brush over his hair, if not at least three times. I don't know if I was more concerned or impressed about how much effort he put into his looks.

Why am I even bringing him up? I shook my head to clear him from my thoughts and focused on Emeka ahead of me. He probably was in a rush.

Emeka's eyes swept through the eatery, landed on me and widened with familiarization. With fast, quick strides, he made his way over to my table.


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