Maria my favorite assistant

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So the director of Shield and I don't have a good relationship, but his assistant and I do. So when Natasha dragged me to work with her saying 'there is no way you are going to sit around all day and do nothing ' I knew I had to come plus I didn't have a choice. Is either that or face the wrath of the Black Widow which I will not do.

I decided to take a little stroll around this place to see my favorite assistant but I had to ask Miss Romanoff if I can go since she doesn't trust me enough. I mean who would I am not that responsible.

"Nat I want to pee."

She looked up from the paper work she was doing to give to Fury.

"You sure or you just want to get out my sight."

"I am dead serious I am on the verge of pissing myself." I said making sure my face doesn't betray any emotion.

"Go and don't go over ten minutes or I will find you."

I walked quickly out the door and practically ran down the halls passing Shield agents looking at me like I have grown two heads just to see Maria.  I reached agent Hill  office and was lucky enough to see that she was there. I burst into her office like the fucking Goddess I was.

"Maria long time no see."

She looked up from her computer and I watched a smile bloom on her face.

"Y/N its nice to see you again!, how are you?"

"I'm good I have practically seven minutes before Nat comes to kick my Russian ass."

Fury taught that was a good time time to barge into Maria's office.

"Hill I have three fuck...". He didn't finish his sentence because he saw me, by the looks of it he was glaring at me.

" What are you doing here?"

"Hey Fury and that's not a nice way of welcoming me. I am hurt!"

"I don't give two shits!"

"Fury the language would you think Captain would like to hear you say that. I think not."

He stood there glaring at me with his one eye while the other one isn't much use.

"Hill get back to me when you are out of interruptions."

"Yes sir!" She said trying to not laugh.

He stomped out the office like a three years old I looked at the time and realized that I have gone five minutes over time.

"Maria um I think I am going to get my ass kicked my a Russian spy."

"Oh shit!"

We heard foot steps coming and we knew that was her.

"Kid when you open the side door it's going to lead you to the kitchen Go!"

"I knew there was a reason you are my favourite."

I opened the side door making sure to lock it back and ran into the kitchen not stopping until I reached Natasha office. She wasn't there and I was lucky.  I sat there about five minutes until she came storming into her office.

"Где ты был!"( Where were you!)

"В ванной у меня были месячные."  (At the bathroom I had my period.)

"Вы уверены." (You sure)

"да" (Yes)

Being an assassin and all I am sure she don't believe me, but she would have to get evidence to prove that.

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