Visiting Asgard

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Shuri, Peter and I have never been to Asgard so when Val visited today we wanted to go no we practically begged her to carry us to Asgard. That's right Shuri came today since her brother had a meeting with the team, and Peter was staying over the weekend since Aunt May had to go to work.

"Guys are you sure about this I mean your only fifteen should I inform the team or something."

"Nope you don't have to inform them we are responsible enough." Peter said

"And we asked Tony." Shuri added. Which was partially true but we asked him when he was drunk.


She brought us to the roof top where she yelled "Heimdall bring us back."

Before I got to ask who the fuck is Heimdall we were surrounded by a blinding light and dropped on the ground while Val land standing.

"Are you all alright."



"I am ok."

We were met with the sight of a man dressed in full gold sitting like he was the president and his eyes were studying us.

"You brought midguardian children here."


He studied us for a little while more then a small smile bloom on his face.

"Welcome to Asgard then."

I turned around to the sight of a palace above us and boy it was stunning. While we were here admiring Asgard beauty Tony was looking for us like crazy because he was left to babysit us.

We finally reached the castle where we were surprisingly met by Thor and Loki and some others.

"Lady Valkyire your back, and what is Shuri, Y/N and Peter doing here?"

"Hey everyone and um they were begging to come and they told me Tony said they could come."

"Is that so." Loki said turning to us


"You sure you aren't lying I am after all The God of lies and Mischief."

Bitch he going to far is like he wants to put us in a trap and I wasn't going to have it.

"Loki you know me better than that, anyways who the fuck are the people behind you."

"Oh I am sure Thor would like you to meet his friends." He said

" Kids this is Fandral, Hougan ,Volstagg and Lady Sif.'

"Hi peeps." Peter and Shuri said while I was studying the four.

"So not to be rude or anything I got accustomed to Loki, Thor and Val names but y'all have some weird names is everyone here has weird names or is it just you guys."


"What I just want to know is not everyday you go on a planet and meet some people who has weird corny names."

"Oh my God." Val said while Parker and Shuri was laughing their ass off.

"Well I think your name is weird too." The lady Sif said

"Honey don't start with me and I thought all women here had blond or brown hair, how is your own black."

Before she got to reply Loki dragged me away while Peter and Shuri followed us before we started any drama.

"You know you are a bunch of idiots right?"

"Hey I spoke my mind besides I could have end them in seconds."

"I know."

Thor,Val and Loki showed us around Asgard and we even met Queen Frigga she told us to come back any time we want to. Then it was finally time to go home and we knew he was going to kill us.  We walked into the Avengers tower and saw a well devastated Tony.

"Hey Tony"

We turned to us and looked like he was going to murder us.

"Where were you three?"

"Well we visited Asgard today..."

"You what how the fuck did you manage to leave the planet!"

"We don't reveal our secrets."

"Go to your rooms and promise you won't do that again."

"We promise!"

I think we need to do that to him sometimes he will maybe learn to be responsible and I know he won't tell anyone since he would be in trouble with the team.

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