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The only reason why we even went to the damn doctor's appointment, was because this motherfucker wanted to see how the stitches were doing. He could've just made a house call and saved me the trip to this place that smelled like staleness and death

They tried to hide it by using bleach to clean everything, but once you spend as much time as I have in a hospital, you can tell the difference

If Tae was having a good day, we'd be having ice-cream right now, but I ruined his mood and he hasn't spoken a word to me since we left the house, so it didn't look like that was happening

Instead, it looked like we were going shopping. Yay, I love shopping (can you tell that I'm being sarcastic?), "What are we doing here?" I asked, hoping that the silent treatment would be over and done with by now. How wrong I was

Tae-yun just kept walking, then got one of the shopping cart and walked into Checkers. Great more silent treatment

See, if I had known that we were coming here, I would've taken my wallet or at least my bank card, but seeing as I wasn't informed prior to coming here, he'd be buying shit for me with his own money

Not like whenever I was with him I ever paid for shit, but maybe I'll buy extra things that I don't need just to piss him off further. Oh tell me why I took my phone but not my headset's? By now I would've been listening to whatever song was playing from my shuffled list

Picking out things that I didn't really need, I threw them all in the shopping cart, expecting Tae to throw them out, but instead he just kept shopping. Even went as far as paying for everything, pushing the cart to the car and packing everything in the boot

My plan had backfired, that and the fact that he knew that I was pulling stunt is kinda the reason why he paid because he knew what I was doing

Hell, he even went as far as opening the door for me still, like he wasn't pissed at all. That was the thing with him, he'd be angry at me, but still treat me the same way he usual does

We arrived back home in record time, which kinda sucked cause that meant that he wouldn't be talking to me some more, and probably be cooped up in his office the whole day, which meant that I'd be bored out of my skull

I even tried to help hull the plastics of groceries into the house, but my hand was swatted away, before I was gently pushed in the direction of the house. He unpacked and packed everything, including my feminine products, then walked right past me while I sat on the couch and went to his office

I should be hurt by his behaviour, but I'd rather him not talk to me then have him talk to me but hurt my feelings. He used to say this to me a lot, "I'd rather be quiet, than say something that might trigger you and hurt your feelings. I'm tired of seeing you cause yourself harm" from that point onwards, I never took his silence as a bad thing

Two hours into me watching TV, I was bored, plus lunch was just around the corner, so I decided that I'd make us something to eat. Nothing fancy, just some sandwiches that would ease the hunger that I was feeling, and I knew he was too

It's like he knew that I was making him something to eat, because the minute that I was done prepping everything, he came strolling out his office, still sexy as ever, took out two glasses and poured us both some juice

He still wasn't speaking to me still, but this was more than enough. Once he was done pouring his juice, he came over to where I was seated, kissed me on the forehead then walked straight back to his office

Why'd he kiss my forehead you ask? That was his way of telling me that he was still a bit angry and needed some time to cool off a bit more. We were weird like that

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