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Here I am again, listening to this stupid cunt trying to tell me what she thinks I feel. I already know what I feel, and it's definitely not what she's saying

Why Tae-yun brought me here is a mystery to me, "Ms Makole?" She looked at me with so much judgement, like I was blind and couldn't see that she was thinking of the million things that she needed to do today. Yet here she was with me

Out of the millions of therapists that I've seen over the years, this one looks nothing like the old, mature, grey haired, reading glasses looking females that I usual have seen

Instead, this chick looked like some young sexy mum, who had her shit together, but that could also be a front. Everyone has their demons, mine tend to make me do things that I shouldn't be doing, "Ms Makole? Your roaming in your head again" she scolded me like a middle school teacher and I was her pupil

I looked up from chipping at my nail polish. The look that I was giving her, made her flinch which was the reaction that I was going for, "Maybe if you actually do your job instead of roaming in your own fucking head, I wouldn't be mimicking your ass" I spat back, leaning my elbows on the tops of my knees

Her mouth thinned, which was her way of saying that she was done with my ass and our session was over. Great!

So I stood my ass up, not wanting to deal with the pretentious bitch any longer, and left her office with a smirk on my face. Unfortunately for me though, the minute that I opened the door, I was met with Tae-yun's face, who looked up at me surprised

Fuck, I forgot that he had insisted on coming with me, damn near face palmed myself for being so absentminded, "Session over" I knew he wasn't asking. Hell, he knew that I knew that he wasn't asking, but maybe he'd believe me this once

"Yeah" I nodded, while I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head, probably some criticism written on his face...but I didn't want to find that out, so I kept walking

It was not until we were outside, and I was walking to the car did he stop me by grabbing onto my forearm, "So what did this one do Ole?" He never could say my name right. Always sounded like it was heavy on his lips

I shrunk, not really wanting to get into the reason why I didn't like this therapist. To be honest, I don't know either, she just seemed fake and I didn't want to talk to someone who just wasn't genuine enough for me. Does that make sense?

He sighed, like he always did when it came to me. It was like I was a burden that he couldn't rid himself of, "No you're not" shit! I forgot that he could tell what I was thinking without even looking at me

I say it because we spent too much time together...before all this started happening, "Don't do that" he turned to face me, "Don't go into that dark place. Its because of all you're negative thoughts that we here right now" he sounded exasperated

Yeah, I had that affect on people, "Told you to let me do me a long time ago" I whispered, "You should've listened, then maybe you wouldn't be here with me" I shrugged. I wasn't lying though and he knew it

Heat radiated off of him, which meant I just stepped in shit, "Well" he brought my eyes up to meet his, "if I had done all that, I'm pretty sure you'd be a corpse that no one cares about because they'd all think that you brought this all to yourself!" He gritted his teeth, turning around again so he wouldn't look at me

I could tell that I brought a lot of stress into his life. But unlike most people who thin out when they are stressed, he bulked up from the scrawny kid that I knew when we were kids. Most woman would think he's attractive with all those muscles, and I wouldn't blame them

"Stop eye fucking me" he scolded, but at least there was humour in his voice, which eased some of the tension that always popped up when we were together, "You need help" he said with another sigh

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