Golden eyes practically glowed back at her even though the sun was almost fully set, darkness almost completely enveloping the area around them.

She couldn't help the sharp gasp she let out as he did, the very troubling thought going across her mind that he may not be there to save her after all until he abruptly turned to face the various enemies that were now alerted to his presence, spinning his spear casually in his hand without a care in the world.

Bloodshed ensued, the man easily tearing through the horde that she'd struggled almost to her death against, making it look like child's play as he ended lives with just a flick of his wrist, not even bothering to use both hands majority of the time he fought.

It was graceful, she was unable to deny. She'd caught sight of his Anemo vision glowing a bright shade of emerald in his glove, becoming more obvious as he dashed easily between enemies and behind them, making quick work of the entire lot in just a few minutes as she slunk back against the rock wall, her legs finally giving out from under her from the blood loss.

Vision fading, she almost didn't notice as he slowly approached her once the screaming and yelling had died down, spear still in hand, although now dripping with blood.

Lifting her head, she weakly met his gaze, trying her best not to flinch away from such an intimidating being, from his head down to his feet.

Even though he wasn't very tall, he stood with obvious confidence, his amber eyes taking their time looking her over with an intense weight to his gaze, almost as if it was suffocating her. His clothes were now drenched in crimson, but he seemed to pay it no mind, almost as if it was something he'd grown very accustomed too.

Crouching down, his eyes scanned her face with an expression completely devoid of emotion, leaving little for her to interpret.

Regardless of his intentions, it didn't matter. She was in no position to fight back and even if he'd saved her just so he could be the one to kill her instead, she had no will left to fight; and definitely not enough blood.

His spear had long disappeared though, yet not to her knowledge. Strong arms pulled on her own, firmly yet with an unusual gentleness, helping her weakly to her feet as she nearly stumbled on wobbly legs.

Without a word, he helped steady her before exhaling deeply, almost sounding boringly frustrated as he decided to just sweep her off her feet, holding her frail body in his arms as she squealed quietly, obviously taken off guard.

"Relax." The word was spoken so softly she almost second guessed if he'd actually been the one who'd said it, assuming she was now hallucinating due to blood loss.

She felt the world rush around her, taking her sweet time noticing that he was using his vision to help him jump through trees and ontop of rocks, quickly heading towards a far away light the girl could barely see in the distance.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Y/N didn't realize how gravely injured she truly was as she passed out in his arms.


Y/N awoke to her entire body throbbing in pain, yet it was far more dull than it had been earlier.

A sweet yet subtle scent flooded her nose as she cracked her eyes open tiredly, blinking to try and lubricate her dry eyes as she accidentally let out a soft groan when she moved, putting pressure on an injury she quickly realized was now bandaged.

Shaky fingers tenderly traced the material as confusion shown on her face.

Wait, where am I?

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