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Seungmin was still in shock but now he understood what happened. Jisung looked over to see Suho's corpse. "Really Minho? I had plans for him."

"Well I thought he killed you."

"Is there anyone left?" Jeongin nodded. He knew Jisung needing something to get rid of his anger later. "Perfect!" Jisung walked over to the corpse and picked some keys from the belt. Quickly he found the key for the handcuffs and freed hyunjin.

"Let's get going shall we?" They all agreed but once they stepped out of the room it was another story.

"SPD!! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Everyone knew the drill besides hyunjin. Out of instinct he followed directions as his crying resumed from fear. Everyone else split up down the halls and Jisung had to drag hyunjin with him.

"Hyunjin rule number 1, we're never sitting ducks!" Hyunjin nodded just wanting to be as far as possible from the situation.

"YAH COME BACK" by now he called for backup and there was a large group of cops trailing behind each group of members. Unfortunately for hyunjin and Jisung they reached a dead end.

"Hands up where we can see them! You're surrounded!" Jisung slowly started turning around but whispered into hyunjin's ear as he did. "Trust me."

Jisung swung hyunjin infront of him and held him by his neck while pointing a gun at his head. Hyunjin gasped and held onto Jisungs arm that was around his neck. Surprisingly the gun held to his head didn't scare him. It was the bunch of police officers holding up guns that did.

"Do you know who this is?" Jisung asked the officers while glancing at hyunjin. Their eyes lit up in shock when they realized it was the most famous model in Seoul. "It would be a shame to see his beauty wasted in a moment"

"What do you want." One asked.

"I'll make a deal. You let me walk. I'll let him live." Of course he was going to let hyunjin live no matter what but the police didn't know that.

The head officer raised his hands and motioned for the others to do the same. A small path was cleared and Jisung started to walk with hyunjin still "trapped" by him.

But there had to be one brave officer in the bunch who didn't listen. And that one officer screwed up everything. He jumped on Jisung getting the gun away from him. It pissed off Jisung considering if he had jumped slightly different it could have made him accidentally pull the trigger on his love.

Hyunjin had fell a decent distance away from Jisung. By time he looked up there were more officers tackling Jisung down. The second he stood up a few officers blocked the way and started asking some typical questions but everything happening in that moment overwhelmed him to the point he couldn't answer anything. Looking over the officers shoulders he saw Jisung being cuffed and dragged away.

He was escorted to the police car with a weighted blanket over him. What was going to happen to Jisung? Would he ever see him again? Jisung would get out. He had to right?

———— at the station ————

Hyunjin was given a water and some snacks from the vending machine. But he wasn't hungry or thirsty. All he wanted was to make sure Jisung was okay. After all he'd been on the run for so long... who knows what torcher they'd put him through.

"Mr. Hwang?" Hyunjin turned to the officer and nodded. "Could you come with me please? We need to ask you some questions if your up for it" hyunjin once again nodded and got up following the office to the questioning room. It was definitely nerve racking.

Once he sat down a different officer sat down across from him. "So you're Hwang Hyunjin yes? You work for TXT Modeling?"

"Yes" Hyunjin wanted to keep his answers short and to the point so I could be over with sooner.

"How long have you been working there?"

"Since I was 11"

"And how old are you now?"


Now the officer put away the file he had next to him and seemed to get more serious.

"How did you first meet Han" Hyunjin was confused for a moment before realizing that Jisung used the name Han around the Mafia. "In an alley way"

"What were you doing in that mansion we found you in" hyunjin gulped. He definitely hated that place.

"I-I was kidnapped by EXO"

"Are you sure it was EXO?"

"Yes I'm sure, they told me..."

"Do you know why they kidnapped you?"

"They were going to..." hyunjin shivered he wanted Jisung to be there... to hold him while he talked about it. "They wanted to s-sell me..."

"To SKZ?"

"No... not SKZ"

"Who then?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Then how are you sure it wasn't SKZ?"

"Because they saved me"

"They saved you?" The officer was nearly laughing at his answer. But hyunjin just nodded.

"It didn't seem like they were there to save you when Han was threatening your life"

"He wasn't going to hurt me. He wouldn't hurt me."

"He had a gun to your head."

"He was just trying to get out of being arrested. He would never hurt me... I trust him"

"You trust that criminal?"

"H-he's not a bad person. He loves me" then it looked like a switched flipped in the officers head as he went back to being dead serious.

"Hyunjin had he ever threatened you like that before?"


"Has he ever killed infront of you?"

"No" that was technically true since Minho had been the one to finish off Suho.

"Has he ever-" the officer was cut off when the door swung open and a panicked woman ran in.

"Hyunjin?! Are you okay?!"

"Noona?" Yoojin ran in and hugged hyunjin as tight as she could. He quickly held onto her. "Noona where's-"

"Sh, don't say a word for now" She looked at the officer very angrily. "Don't you have any decency?! He has clearly been through some trama and you're questioning him?! Without a lawyer or anything present?! We are leaving. Cmon jinnie, I'll take you home" The officer was stunned and Hyunjin followed Yoojin out of the room. Once yoojin tried to take him outside hyunjin stopped making her confused though she should of expected this.

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ