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—————————- later that night -—————————
It was 9pm and Jisung was currently laying with his head on hyunjin's chest. There was a knock in the door disturbing them. "Ugh... come in!" Jisung said while sitting up.

"Boss, Ateez is here for the meeting"

"Ah right that's today... okay, tell them I'll be down in a second."

"Yes boss" the maid bowed and left to inform them.

Jisung was still sore. Ateez was like family with SKZ so formal attire wasn't required. So of course Jisung decided not to change, his ass still being sore.

"Jinnie can you give me a piggyback ride to the meeting room?"

"Sure" hyunjin got up getting Jisung settled on his back before walking to the meeting room. Jisung having to give him directions of course. Once they got there the two went in, meeting with all 15 members who were supposed to be there. The 8 from Ateez had shocked expressions when they saw hyunjin.

"Hey your the wanted boy!" Wooyoung pointed out. Which earned him a slap on the back of the head from Seonghwa. "Have respect woo!" Jisung chuckled at the two. Changbin also laughing at his bestie getting hit.

Wooyoung would've ran but he had Felix on his lap. The two were adorable. And their boyfriends San and Changbin were great friends as well which was awesome.

"Jinnie set me down over there" Jisung pointed to the middle of the couch on the right. Hyunjin setting him down then sitting next to him.

"So I'm guessing this is about him" Hongjoong said while pointing to hyunjin.

"Yep this is about Hyunjin. Obviously as wooyoung pointed out, He's wanted by EXO."

"Yeah and the police since as of right now he's missing" Yeosang voiced.

'Ah right I forgot about that...' Jisung though.

"Well then we can't have the police trying to get us.. Jinnie do you want to go back to modeling?" Hyunjin's eyes lit up. "Yes I do. I really do!"

Jisung smiled a bit. If you go back you have to live here though okay? And follow a few rules just to keep you safe."

"Okay Sungie I will!"

"I don't think doing that is the best option Ji, I mean what if someone kidnaps him at work?" Seonghwa question.

"That's where you guys will hopefully help out. I was hoping you guys would keep an ear out for any news regarding hyunjin. Maybe keep an eye on him once in a while. I'll be sending one of our less know members like Felix, Seungmin, or Jeongin to act as bodyguards most of the time. On days off we'll send a driver, with a code phrase he'll need to tell hyunjin to prove he's with us."

"Mm that would work... yeah we'll help you out of course" Hongjoong accepted with a smile.

"Great! Thank you so much!"

"Of course sung"

There was a knock on the door. The maids knew better than to disturb a meeting unless it was majorly important. "Yes?"

The maid came in. "Boss EXO is here for a meeting" everyone in the room froze.

Jisung composed himself quickly. "Take them to the second meeting room. Tell them I'm in the middle of a meeting. And bring a change of clothes for Chan hyung and I." The maid nodded and left.

Jisung glanced over at hyunjin, the older already scared. "S-Sungie why are they here?"

"I don't know prince but don't worry. Once they're in the meeting room I'll have Changbin and Minho take you to our room. Then I want you to lock the door and don't let anyone in ok? I have a key"


The maid came back with a change of clothes. The two taking turns changing in the bathroom. "They are in the meeting room yes?" Jisung asked while fixing his suit.

"Yes boss"

"Ok, bin, min, take him to my room. Hongjoong as always thank you for coming" he bowed and left to the meeting room.

Hyunjin was terrified. The people who wanted him in the same house as him. He trusted Jisung would keep him safe but it still made him nervous. Changbin and Minho walked him to the room. Hyunjin locked the door just as told when he got in. He needed to calm his nerves. He heard a bark. "Kkami?"

Kkami came out from under the bed, yipping at hyunjin. This is what he needed right now, a good distraction while Jisung handled the group.

Chan and Jisung walking- well Jisung limping, into their more traditional and professional meeting room.

"Suho, what a surprise! What can I help you with today?" He put on a fake smile while sitting in the head chair. Chan standing right beside him.

"Well as I'm sure you've heard there's a boy we're looking for... we know your teams hacking skills are one of the best. So we would love some help tracking him down." Suho explained.

"Mm... while I'm glad you believe we have great hacking skills I'm afraid I have to decline your request." Jisung said seriously. He had to play this off if he didn't want attention drawn to them.

"And why is that Jisung?"

"Well as you know I've had quite a few run ins with the police lately. We're trying to keep a low profile for a bit. I have the safety of my team to consider. Going after a well known boy isn't exactly laying low"

"Ah yes of course... we understand perfectly. Well that was all we came for. We'll be off now."

"Mm, good luck finding him" they all stood up as the guards walked EXO out. Jisung believed it went well. His reasoning was logical. Suho however didn't believe him. The uncatchable criminal who was feared my most was laying low? Especially Jisung? It didn't make sense.

"Chanyeol keep an eye on them. Xiumin go with him" suho instructed


"Because it's not like Jisung to lay low. I don't trust them right now"

Jisung went up to his room. Using the key to unlock the door. He smiled upon entering. Hyunjin was playing with Kkami, a huge smile on his face. "Sungie!" Hyunjin threw himself onto Jisung.

"Hello prince" he hugged hyunjin tightly.

"Did everything work out okay?" Hyunjin asked slightly nervous.

"Yes prince, everything is ok"

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now