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"W-who are you?"

"You don't know me? Well maybe you've heard of a different name. EXO." Hyunjin shivered just at the mention of the name. Where was Jisung? How long til he got here?

"You belong to us now. And soon you'll belong to our buyer who will compensate us handsomely for handing you over."

"No... J-Jisung will come..."

The guy busted out laughing. "You think he'll actually come? For you? He has the choice of anyone he wants. What makes you think you're so under his protection hm? What makes you think he can kill us?"

Tears fell as hyunjin tried to keep his thoughts in line. "He will! H-he promised! He loves me and I love him!-" he was cut off by a rather harsh slap to the face.

"He's not coming for you. You're a pretty piece he can replace. That psycho isn't capable of loving you. He wants your body and that's it. You were just. His. Slave." With that he left the room that hyunjin assumed was the basement. It was nearly pitch black and completely silent.

Too silent. And with hyunjin's loud thoughts it became impossible not to overthink. Was Jisung not gonna come? He knew his visuals were amazing since he was a very famous model but was that the only reason Jisung wanted him? His heart ached. He just wanted Jisung to love him beyond his looks... and for him to come for him. He wanted to go home and have a comfy night on the couch with movies and snacks while cuddling and having a deep conversation with Jisung...

———— 4 hours later ————
Every second that passed was making him lose hope... looks like the man was right. Jisung wasn't coming... and his life was moments away from becoming hell.

Hyunjin had cried for a good part of the last 4 hours, now he was moments away from passing out. He was hungry as well, Jisung never let him go this long without eating.

The door swung open making Hyunjin flinch from the loud bang it made after it impacted with the wall. "Time to get you ready."


"Yeah." The man un chained hyunjin only to handcuff him again when he was up from the floor. "Can't give you to buyer with you looking sloppy."

Hyunjin shivered at the thought of what was about to happen. He was dragged by the other while his thoughts raced thinking of a solution. Then it dawned on him, something Minho had taught him
Yesterday. Hyunjin quickly maneuvered his arms to lock around the mans arm and turned as fast and with as much force and he could.

A horrible snap and scream was heard the next second. Hyunjin was terrified but now the man wasn't holding him so he ran. He had to find a way out immediately. Behind him he heard the man still yelling. "YOU FUCKING BITCH"

Majority of the doors in the house were locked. And it wasn't long til he heard talking along with footsteps. He made a quick turn and went the opposite way. Finding an unlocked door he hid inside whatever room that was. Hyunjin locked the door and pressed his back against it leaving his eye closed and trying to calm his breath.

"Well look who walked right in." Hyunjin jumped, his eyes opening wide as he was slammed against one of the walls. His hair was grabbed causing him to whine as he was lifted up to look this man in the eyes. Suho.

"You shouldn't have ran off and broke xumin's arm. I was going to play nice but not any-" a shot was fired.

"Step. Away. From. Him." They both looked to the door and saw Jisung standing there.

"Why are you here Han?" Suho never loosened his grip on hyunjin as he spoke.

"You took something valuable to me."

"What? This slut? I'll get you another." Jisung dropped the gun and pounced at Suho shoving him against the wall as hyunjin was let free.

"He is not a slut. And he is not replaceable. You should know better than to take what's mine!" Even though the situation was tense hyunjin felt his heart flutter. Jisung did care.

"What are you gonna do Han? Take me out?"

"Yes. But not immediately." The next thing hyunjin saw was Suho gasp. Jisung had wedged his knife into Suho's side. Hyunjin saw something move near Suho's side. By time hyunjin realized what it was he couldn't warn him. "JI-"


Hyunjin watched and Jisung's body collapsed onto the floor in horror. Suho leaning back against the wall with a smirk on his face. Hyunjin let out the most pained scream that had ever been heard in that mansion. Tears ran like a river down his cheeks while scrambled over to Jisung's side. The other core members of SKZ had ran into the room.

All of the were in utter shock. How? To them Jisung had always seemed invincible...

"YOU DICK!" Minho punched Suho before he got a chance to shoot again. And grabbing the gun he shot Suho in the head without a second thought.

Everyone else was frozen. Some crying others still in disbelief. Hyunjin was hugging his love while sobbing the hardest he ever had in his life. Seungmin slowly approached shaking with every step. He held Jisung's hand and cried alongside hyunjin... until he noticed something. Quickly he grabbed onto Jisung's wrist. A pulse. He glanced back at Jisung's face and chest seeing if there was any show that he was alive. That he hadn't just made a mistake.

Never in his life had Seungmin jumped back so fast. Jisung had gasped for air and was awake leaving everyone even more shocked.

"Hyunjin are you-" Jisung was cut off be hyunjin's lips on his own. He instantly reacted by holding the olders waist and kissing back. "Baby why are you crying?" Jisung wiped the tears from hyunjin's cheeks after they pulled away.

"I-I thought you were d-dead" hyunjin couldn't help but continue crying while snuggling up to the olders embrace.

"Love, I'm not going anywhere"


"I promise jinnie, now let's get you out of these cuffs yeah?"

"Yes please"

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU JUST COME BACK FROM THE DEAD?!" Seungmin was definitely still in shock, not that he wasn't happy Jisung wasn't actually dead but he was very confused.

"Calm down would ya? I wasn't gonna go in with just a gun and dagger." Jisung pulled up the hoodie he had on to reveal the bulletproof vest he had. "Just got the wind knocked out of me for a bit"

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now