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Quick warning there are a few time skips

"Have a good day prince" Jisung said before giving hyunjin a kiss and handing him a lunch box.

"I will Sungie! Bye bye!" Hyunjin got in the car and drove off to his company.


"There's a code or something they use, it's a phrase he asks the driver before getting in. So as long as we say it he'll get in and we can knock him out." Xiumin informed.

"Great. Send chanyeol to pick him up in two days. Make sure the phrase doesn't change." Suho responded.

"Yes sir."

Normal day as always for hyunjin. Pretty outfits, some a bit strange compared to others, stylists doing his hair and makeup, and many pictures being taken.

He was a natural at being infront of the camera so it made it easy. Plus his love for being in the spotlight made his shoots better.

"Okay lunch time people!" Soobin yelled out before walking over to hyunjin. "That was great hyunjin! Glad to see you haven't lost your spark for this"

Hyunjin giggled a bit. "Of course not, I've always loved modeling. Can't lose that in a few days of being gone"

"Few weeks you mean"

"Right few weeks" to hyunjin being at Jisung's mansion felt like a few days. Probably because he actually enjoyed his time there. Today however he would start training... hopefully it wasn't too difficult...

—————————-later that night-—————————

A whine left hyunjin as he landed on the floor for what felt like the 100th time that night.

"Get up." Minho instructed.

"Can't we take a break?" Hyunjin asked while looking at Jisung with puppy dog eyes. But before Jisung had a chance to really comprehend the question or look hyunjin gave him, hyunjin was already being yanked up by Minho.

"No. There are no breaks if you actually get into trouble. So get ready and let's try this again." Hyunjin reluctantly got ready for Minho to attack again. Prior to this Minho had taught him some techniques that should've been able to easily counter the attacks if done correctly. So far... hyunjin hasn't done them correctly.

It was hard for Jisung to watch his lover get tossed around. But he knew hyunjin had to learn so he didn't intervene. The only reason he was really there was to see what hyunjin's skill set already was and to make sure Minho didn't break any of his bones. While that sounds harsh there was a good chance of it happening considering Jisung had gotten a few bones broken in the past when he was being trained by the older male.

Once again hyunjin was on the floor.

"Get some water and we'll go again." Minho instructed. Hyunjin stumbled over to the bench sitting on Jisung's lap then drinking the cold water he brought.

"Sungieeee" hyunjin whined.

"Nope, quit whining. You're not getting out of this one"

Hyunjin leaned next to Jisung ear and whispered. "Please master~"

Jisung broke. "Fine. Minho hyung! Let's call it a night. Try again tomorrow when hopefully he'll have time to process the techniques you taught him." Jisung gave a stern look to the boy on his lap. Mentally telling him to think about what he learned.

Hyunjin was very happy getting the results he wanted.

"You're too soft on him Ji"

"Shush, like you aren't soft with seungmin"

Minho blushed and turned away. "Just go"

Jisung laughed a bit and carried hyunjin back to their room.

"Let's get you washed up jinnie"

—————————— 2 days later ——————————
"I'm in position"

"Good, he should be leaving soon"

Right on queue hyunjin walked out and went to the car. At first he was a bit confused since he'd never seen this driver before anywhere. But he continued as usual.

"Hello! I was hired to dig in the ruins"

"A gem in the rough needs work to polish" that was the correct answer so hyunjin got in. It was probably just someone new he thought. That was until he felt a cloth over his mouth. He struggled against it but he had already clipped in his seatbelt which made it difficult. Eventually his vision started getting blurry. Then he blacked out.

"Go" Sehun said from the back seat. Xiumin drove back to their base. Now they could do what they originally planned. They just had to track down the buyer again.

It had been hours, Jisung was beyond worried.

"Stop pacing Jisung, it's getting me dizzy" Felix said.

"Felix he should be home by now. He's never late without telling me."

"He probably just stopped somewhere-" Jisung's phone rang loud and clear from the counter. He instantly picked it up hoping it was hyunjin. But it was just the guard sent to get hyunjin.

"Sir, hyunjin isn't here. His work said he went home already"

"Shit!" He ended the call and slammed it on the counter. "They got to him." Jisung knew it was EXO and Felix tensed from seeing how angry he was. Felix's eyes widened when Jisung pulled out a pretty heavy duty gun from a cabinet.

"Hey hey hey, calm down we need to think about a plan first"

"I have a plan lix. I'm getting him back tonight."

"Jisung you need to discuss this with the whole team so you aren't going in blind and without backup! You want him to make it out of there don't you?!"

Jisung's jaw was clenched. He had a plan on how to kill everyone in EXO. And oh boy was he gonna make it last. But Felix was right... he needed to insure hyunjin's safety on the way out. "Fine. Get everyone together."

————with hyunjin————

What was probably a few hours later hyunjin started waking up. "Rise and shine pretty boy." He heard a sickening voice while his vision cleared up. Was this a test? Did Jisung set him up as part of his training?

"Where's Jisung? I don't like this..."

The person laughed. "You are never gonna see that obsessed psycho again. And you better get used to this pretty boy. Cuz it's gonna get a lot worse."

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now