Food [Chapter 20]

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"Luz? Are you okay?"

I snapped back to reality and looks back at Amity and Willow staring at me confused,

"W-wha! No, I'm okay!" I replied and puts both of my hand up to clarify I'm fine, Willow let's go of it and started walking back, Although Amity didn't seem to believe me and sighed, yep.. she will totally be the first one to found out.

Amity walks up closer to me and put both of her hands on my shoulder as she said; "We can talk about it if it's bothering you, meet me at the cafeteria after class, okay?" she softly exclaimed and softening her look.

I felt hesitant but, I know I could trust her so I nodded at my amazing cotton candy goddess and gave her a soft sad looking smile, which she gave me a smile back as a reply and let's go of my shoulder.

"Alright, make sure to tell me if anyone did something to you! But, see you after class my Luz!" She cheerly waved a goodbye with her face slightly getting red from joy, but aw.. that's so cute!

I waved at her back as she started walking away to the Abomination classroom, my face was kinda hot from a feeling of joy and happiness but I tried to shake it off from now,

I better tell Eda that I guess there are posters of Hunter, missing? Oh yeah.. wonder where he is! Haha.. :]] !!


(Hunter's POV , in The Owl House)

It's been 30 minutes since Luz- I mean Human, left to go to school, I was left with my thoughts again. What will I tell uncle if I got back there?


Should I tell him what Kiki did?-


What if he founds out that I've been living under The Owl Lady's roof this whole time?!


What if-?!

Again, My thoughts were bothered. But this time I got hit by a stuffed animal as I heard a shout of a squeaking voice of 'hey!'

"Ow?!" I groaned in annoyance at the sudden 'attack' as I looked at where the direction of the stuffed animal got thrown at me, seeing The Owl Lady's pet with an also annoyed look on his face.

"What?" I pressured myself to sound annoyed and CLEARLY not in the mood!!

"Eda made breakfast, she told you that you should eat cause all you eat is little crackers for the past few days!" The high pitched demon exclaimed,

Right, I've been pretending to sleep for the past few days to skip breakfast here, but who knows what she'd put on her food! Owls?! But then again, they did helped me with this, and I can't deny that I'm hungry but, it's just.. I'm not used to this? They're so different, way different.. they're spoiling me too much.

"C'mon! Eda's cooking is great! Plus, you should eat some normal meal" he said, looking uninterested and rolled his eyes then looks back at me.

"Kay.." I mumbled quietly but made his big eyes widening a bit,

"Cool! I didn't think you'd accept it but let's go then!!" The dog ceerly says as he rushed to the hallways of the Owl house, but waiting for me to stand up for acception that I'll eat.

I mean, it's not like I've had a choice right now. I stood up slowly to avoid pain from my injures and started to catch up to the pet.

As he leads me to the kitchen, I've noticed a few things on the Owl house.. not to mention it's messy and dirty, but eh I wouldn't blame them to not have the motivation to clean up, typical!

We got to the kitchen seeing The Owl Lady eating something she made, it was bread.. with lettuce? Or something, I think people call it a sandwich, yeah.. a sandwich!

There were four plates, two with crumbs, one with it half eaten, and a complete untouched sandwich.

I awkwardly sat down on one of the seats as the dog aggressively got up to the table and started eating the sandwich who was half gone.

"That one is for you by the way!" The old mom looking owl points at the untouched with her sandwich.

"Huh?" I questioned myself out of confusion.

"Yeah, is there anything wrong?" She awkwardly said as she took another bite of her sandwich.

(3rd Person POV)

Hunter didn't answer, he just wildly looked at the sandwich in awe like he'd never ate before.

"What?" King muttered and looks at him in confusion. The blonde blinks his eyes for a few times and stared back at the owl lady casually eating with her eyebrows raised at the boy.

"For me?" He muttered,

"Yes, do you have a problem with it?" Eda stared at him in confusion not knowing what to say, then looks at her adopted demon who was also looking at her with a confused looking face.

"No" a mumble came from the blonde still looking surprised, "it's just, i.. barely had a full meal on the Emperor's coven, you know"

Eda and King both looked at the guy with both concerned and confused.


(Back at Hexside)

Luz exits the Potion classroom and immediately goes straight to the cafeteria of the school to see her girlfriend,

"Luz!" Amity catches up to her girlfriend which Luz immediately noticed and looked back at the familiar voice of hers.

"Hey Ams!" Luz greeted her cotton candy haired goddess and happily smiled, Amity returning it with a grin.

"So? About what happened earlier?" The little miss perfect questions her not so ordinary human,

"We'll talk about it once we get to the cafeteria, plus! I'm up for some snacks!" Luz replied and looks at Amity who seems to agreed as they both walked together to the cafeteria.


HEYY !! Happy Holidays to everyone :)) ,, I hope you'll have great day! Also, sorry for not updating, I've been busy- with both school and reading fanfics 👎👎

(1001 words)

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