Nine "Little Slip"

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"Oh, You're awake!" Jaehyun smiled. "You should really lie back down." He advised. You did so and Doyoung held your hand. "Are you feeling well?"

"Yes, I feel fine. It's kind of embarrassing though... being here because I slipped in the toilets." Doyoung smiled. "It's alright, at least you didn't severely injure yourself."

"Yeah...uh where's my phone?"

"Oh here, Jaehyun gave it to me after calling Johnny." He handed the phone to you.

"Thanks, did Johnny come here?" You got excited.

"Yeah, I think he is still here actually-" Doyoung was interrupted by someone walking into the room.

"Y/n! Yuta couldn't make it so I came. Are you feeling okay?" Taeil walked up to you.

"Oh, Thanks Taeil. Also, I am feeling perfectly fine." You smiled and he hugged you. You felt scared for Taeil since Doyoung was glaring at him so you broke the hug. "Nice to meet you, I am Jaehyun." Jaehyun offered his hand to Taeil. He smiled brightly and accepted. Doyoung left in a hurry since he got a phone call.

"I'm a friend of Y/n, you?" Taeil asked.

"Same, I work with her." They chatted for a short while, almost forgetting about you.

Doyoung's P.O.V

I answered the phone outside. I knew this was gonna be bad.


Not exactly


She's a good person!

I don't care about Pra- What!"

I ended the call, pissed off. What the hell is my father thinking! I knew this would happen.

I text Y/n. 'Hey Babe, my Father is back and needs to speak with me. I'm sorry, I'll come see you soon 😘😘 '

I sigh. "I love you Y/n."

End of Doyoung's P.O.V

You read the text from your boyfriend and sigh. "What is it?" Taeil looks at the text. "Your boyfriend left and no one is here to give you a kiss? Ah don't worry, I will-"
"Don't be so weird , she's upset can't you see?" Jaehyun speaks.
"Ugh, can't no one take a joke?" He rolled his eyes. The two began to argue and it's getting on your nerves. "Shut up!" You yelled. "Ah.." Your head was hurting. They looked at you.

"I'm sorry Y/n, for making you shout. I'll just go. Text me if you need anything." He patted your shoulder and left.
Taeil sat down and slouched in the chair. "So you slipped in the toilets right?" He laughed a little.
You managed to ignore him and close your eyes.

Two hours later.

You looked out of the window, still lying in the bed. It was getting dark. "Did you enjoy the food I made?" Johnny smiled. You chuckled. "Yes, thank you Johnny."
"Don't worry, you'll be out soon."
"You think?"
He nodded his head. "Yep, after I put these boxes away I'll ask the doctor. I'll be back in five minutes." He left.

Suddenly you received a text from Yuta. 'Hi, want me to visit? I just got back from work and I hope Taeil looked after you well.' 

'It's okay, you can go rest tonight. I might be out in the morning.'

'Alright, see you then.'

You put your phone down. You felt tired and decided to asleep.

Time Skip // The next day

You were in the car with Johnny. "I wanted to Speak to Jaehyun and thank him since he's the one who found me but he left in a hurry." 

"It's alright. He'll find you in his own time. Anyways, we're here." He helped you out of the car and walked you to the door. "How you feeling?" 

"As normal." Your cast was also removed from your hand.

"I'll see you next week, I'm going to Busan for a couple of days to stay with Mark, Yangyang and Jungwoo."

"Tell them I said hi and that I'll visit soon. My fathers birthday is approaching." You smiled.

"Speaking of birthdays... Isn't it Taeyong's birthday today-" 

"Oh my gosh, yeah. That came so quick."

Johnny chuckled and patted your head. "See you soon." He left. 

Right... what am I going to wear? I'm so unprepared! 

-My Office- NCT Kim Doyoung- Book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora