"Shh i know" Dorcas calmed Remus down, trying not to cry

Beatrice comforted Peter who was crying on the floor.

"She can't die" Peter rubbed his eyes

Cora calmed down Emillio who was filled with rage by hugging him.

"I can't do this without her Cor"

Pandora, one of Regulus' friend hugged Regulus telling him that everything will be alright

Frank hugged Alice tightly, trying his best to not break down.

Marlene and Sofia hugged each other letting out their feelings.

They were all hugging, all except one.
There was Sirius. Sitting on the bench not knowing what to do. His mind brought him back to the day when Aven promised that he would never lose her.

"Promise me V, i can't lose you" Sirius' voice trembled and Aven quickly hugged him

"You're not going to lose me Padfoot" Aven softly said rubbing his back

"You don't know that"

"But i do Pads, i promise you, you're not going to lose me. I'll be very careful" Aven promised before Sirius pulled away

Reminiscing that memory only hurt him more. Sirius can't lose her. He just can't.

"i can't lose her i can't lose her i can't lose her" Sirius rambled hitting the back of his head onto the walls

McGonagall walked in with tears in her eyes and she quickly ran towards Sirius, noticing that the boy is alone.

"It's okay" McGonagall tried to hide the lump in her throat as Sirius laid his head on her shoulder

"I can't lose her Minnie, i can't" Sirius teared up

"I know" McGonagall let out her tears

"This is all my fault, i should've stopped her"

"Sirius this is not your fault, she entered this tournament because she wanted to. She fought her way through it. This was her decision. We all know that you can't stop her"

The door of the hospital wing opened and everyone surrounds Madam Pomfrey who had tears in her eyes.

"She's alive" Madam Pomfrey informed and they all sighed in relief

"But she's still unconscious, it's not a question that she's going to have a trauma. Her heart stopped a few times but i managed to save her" Madam Pomfrey explained and they all hugged her

"Can we see her?" Sirius asked with tears in his eyes

"Yes, but please be cautious" Madam Pomfrey replied

"You all go inside, i'll speak to Dumbledore" McGonagall looked at her students whose eyes were all filled with tears

The group walked inside the hospital wing, and there they saw Aven laying on one of the beds. There were bruises on her arms, but that doesn't change her appearance. She still looks beautiful. Her eyebrows were furrowed, indicating that she was not in peace.

Sirius sat on the chair beside Aven's bed as he grabbed Aven's hand.

"Hey love" Sirius smiled, his tears fell down his face

The others couldn't help but cry again looking at the sight of their best friends. Lily laid his head on James' shoulder as James rubbed her back. While they were in the hospital wing, the other students were at the great hall waiting for informations.

"You did great Ave" Remus chocked out

"You won Star" Peter cried out

"Bitch please wake up" Emillio laughed bitterly as tears came out of his eyes

"What happened in there?" Madam Pomfrey asked

"We don't know" Dorcas answered

After a while, the group left the hospital wing leaving Aven and Sirius.

"Sirius come on, you need to rest" Sofia said with concern

"I'm not leaving her" Sirius shook his head

"Okay, but rest alright?" Regulus looked at his brother who just nodded

They all left, leaving Aven and Sirius alone. Madam Pomfrey was informing Dumbledore and the other professors about Aven's condition.

"Fuck please don't die" Sirius held her hand closer

"Please Ave, i need you here with me" Sirius teared up, he then felt Aven's fingers moving

"I'm here love" Aven croaked out

Sirius quickly stood up, still holding Aven's hand

"Oh thank Merlin" Sirius hugged the girl

"I'm alright Padfoot" Aven lied, she's obviously exhausted

"You almost died!" Sirius cried out

"But i didn't die, i'm alive" Aven rubbed his back

After Sirius calmed down, he sat on the chair again

"What happened?" Sirius asked as Aven took a deep breath

"I'll tell you tomorrow, just sleep with me will you? I'm cold" Aven pouted

"Okay" Sirius chuckled before laying on the bed

"I love you dipshit" Sirius said as he cuddled closer

"I love you too dickhead" Aven laughed

The two spent the rest of the night talking about their idiotic moments, Sirius told Aven about Lily and James, which obviously boosted Aven's ego.

"See, me dying has its perks" Aven smirked

"Oh shut up"

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