42 : n e w . l i v e s

Start from the beginning

Bixlow's expression still hadn't softened, "He would have gotten the message if you pulled your arm away."

Seeing that his frustration wasn't waning, Verani's own began to rise. "If I had pulled hard enough, I would have been wearing those drinks and if that's happening it will be because I'm dumping them on him or beating him with my tray!"

The Seith mage grumbled under his breath. He knew she was right, but the whole situation still pissed him off.

V sighed, "But thanks."

Bixlow blinked, he hadn't been expecting the sudden shift in her tone. He didn't reply and she didn't seem to mind.

"I appreciate the back-up."

"Don't mention it."

"No," another sigh escaped her, "Laxus would have fried that guy from across the room."

"Oh don't think I didn't think about messing with his soul."

Verani looked at him surprised. It would have been easy enough for him to do since he didn't wear his helmet with his host attire, but the statement caught her a little off guard.

"You don't have to go that far."

Bixlow didn't hesitate, "I would have if he hadn't let go."

There was a look of protective anger in his eyes that made the blonde momentarily hold her breath. Where was this coming from? Verani was used to Bixlow being the levity and humor of the group, especially with the three he kept as his closest company.

She quietly exhaled, "I'm fine, Bixlow."

He grumbled under his breath again as he started back down the hall.

"I still want you to finish your break. My babies already talked to Master Bob." He called back, "I'll send one to come get you if he needs you sooner."

Verani watched as he disappeared around a corner, blinking.

'What was that all about?'


The wind cut across the open land, cold and bitter. Even with her internal flame, Kia could feel the chill. Winter had settled over Fiore, but that still didn't deter the Black Wizard from his wandering.

It was approaching the morning of their fourth day since Zeref had stopped to rest. Kia was hungry and tired, but refused to show it. She had guessed that things would be like this, but she hadn't accounted for all the moving. Even if this helped explain why they had never been able to find him, she had at least assumed he had a bed somewhere.

The thought made her ache for her own bed, for her home. Kia knew going back would be complicated, but she wanted to know how everyone was doing. Had everyone survived the fight with Tartaros? How had the Dragon Slayers taken the truth and how much of the truth had the dragons been able to share?

'They're fine.' She told herself as she did nearly everyday. 'They have each other so they'll be fine.'

Fairy Tail had always been strong. It was a family who kept each other safe. Kia couldn't help but remember when she had known that Fairy Tail was where Natsu was meant to be, even before speaking with Master Mavis and learning her past.

Kia was worried. This was something that she had never considered to be a potential problem, but now it was the only thing racing through her mind. Even as she stared out at the trees that whizzed past the train's window, her fingers running through Natsu's hair as he laid across their seat with his head in her lap.

The job was supposed to be a simple one, but she had been forced to face one of her greatest fears when the bandit they were sent to capture revealed his magic: shadow possession. He had easily snagged Natsu's shadow, pitting the siblings against one another. She knew that her brother still felt bad for being used against her, but that wasn't what had shook her to her core.

Kia had never thought about the possibility of either her or Natsu being controlled by someone. She knew that as long as Natsu didn't know the truth he would be fine, but she was a different story. What if someone took control over her and discovered the power that she was hiding? What kind of damage would they make her cause? How many would get hurt?

'I have to do something. I have to make sure that never happens.'

And that was how Kia had found herself pacing back and forth along the cliff that looked out over Lake Scilliora. Every part of her wanted to run away or cancel the meeting, but she stayed. No matter how much her heart was already aching, Kia knew she couldn't handle this on her own. At least not yet.

"What's bothering you, child?"

The thirteen year old nearly jumped out of her skin. Normally, the Master of Fairy Tail would have chuckled at her reaction, but this time he didn't. He could tell that something was eating away at her.

"Master, I..." her voice trailed off. Should she do this? Could she do this?

Kia clenched her fists as she steeled her nerves. "We need to talk."

And she came clean with a few of the basics: she was technically an Etherious, but she hated Zeref's guts. That was all that Kia could bring herself to say. Everything else was so complicated and it didn't have anything to do with what she was going to ask.

"Is there anyway that you would seal that power away?" Her eyes were trained on the ground, "I don't want to even take the chance of something happening."

Makarov watched her closely, still deciding how much merit he found in her words. Though he had never known the older Dragneel to be one to lie, her story wasn't something he ever expected to come from her mouth. But how else could she know about the Books of Zeref?

"I understand if you want me to leave and if that is what you wish I will disappear." Her sudden declaration snapped him back to reality. "And I know that I have no right to ask anything of you..." For the first time since she had started talking, Kia tilted her head so that she could look up into the man's eyes, "Please look after Natsu."

"This is my own problem and he does not deserve to be punished for it, but you can do whatever you see fit with me."

That was what made him come to his decision right then and there.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kia blinked a few times, noticing that Zeref had stopped to face her.

She sighed, "Nothing important."

"For nothing important, it put you through a myriad of emotions."

It took a lot of control to not glare at the Black Wizard. "Just because it's a vivid memory doesn't mean it can do anything now."

Zeref studied her for a few more moments before turning to continue their trek. "Come...sister."

Her blood froze. He had never called her that and that was because it wasn't true. She was a random corpse, nothing more. That was why she never mattered, why she had been a guinea pig.

"Why did you call me that?"

Zeref smirked as he peered over his shoulder, "Because there's more to your story than you know."


This arc isn't that long, so you guys are free to imagine their outfits. Hope you all are enjoying it and the bit of downtime for the next few chapters (but things won't be calm for long.)

See you soon!


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