Chapter 18: Accident

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It's been 1 year and 7 months since Baekhyun enlisted. There's still 3 months left until he will get discharge from the military. Somehow, Baekhyun got a time to visit Taeyeon whenever he got his day off during weekends or holidays. Baekhyun and Taeyeon's family also reunited everytime there's a celebration like Christmas, New Year and other Holiday seasons.

Before Baekhyun's enlistment, he manage to work for his albums, new singles, vlogs and collaborations. He do it without any rest causing for them to fight sometimes. Taeyeon doesn't want him to get exhausted too much and make himself tired but Baekhyun just love his fans and his job that he didn't stop working before he left. Baekhyun's family send him off to military and she didn't make it for him. Their date was their last meeting before he enlisted.

They were still in a private relationship and decided to just announce it if they were getting married already. Only their friends, families and their company only knows about it.

3 months left and after that, they are going to prepare for the wedding. SM Entertainment are already working for a marriage announcement about them after his discharge. It's a long explanation for them to make and they all know that it's going to be hard.

Other fans didn't support their relationship back then, how about now that they will suddenly release a statement saying the two are getting married.

But Baekhyun and Taeyeon already talk about it. They're just going to ignore those antis and sue them once they protested and make an action for each people who wants to stop the wedding. That's their plan once the announcement are going to get out. For now, they think about their happiness, for their future.

Taeyeon was currently on the kitchen eating her late breakfast. It was already 10 AM in the morning when she woke up. Baekhyun was in her apartment last night, spend their time together, sleep on her bed while embracing each other. 3:20 AM when Baekhyun woke up then decided to get back home. Taeyeon was also awake at that time. 5'oclock is the time of Baekhyun's duty as a soldier so he needs to rush and prepare for the day.

After sending him off at the parking lot, she immediately get back to sleep. And now, she wakes up at 10 AM, still sleepy because of what they did last night.

Biting the piece of the bread, she open her phone just to welcome her ears with Baekhyun's voice message.

("Hi. I'm sorry if I wake you up early last night. I didn't say good morning to you when we woke up. Good morning to my queen by the way. I'm heading back to our camp. See you again next time if I had my free time and also if you do. And by the way, I enjoyed it last night. I love you")

She laugh on his last words. Yeah. It was fun. She thought.

Then she notice another voice message from him. It was sent an hour ago. She smiled while clicking the play button then place it on her ears.

She heard his breath and his loud heavy sigh. It took some seconds before he speaks.

(" you")

Taeyeon furrowed her brows when she heard his voice. It sounds like, he's getting some air just to say those words.

He just say those three words but the voice message lasted for 2 minutes before he ends it.

She just shrug it off then continue eating her bread and sipping on her coffee. Her dog Zero, jump on her lap, biting the remote control of her tv then put it down. She laugh on her dog's action then rub his head.

"Oh. My Zero wants to watch tv" she exclaimed while opening the tv with the remote control.

She look at Zero who went down on her lap and jump infront of the tv as soon as it opens. Her smile freeze when her eyes darted at the news broadcast that comes out on the screen.

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