Chapter 13: Lost

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A month had passed and Taeyeon is getting busier these days. She already held some concert overseas for this month and Australia is her last destination to finalize her concert. But she won't leave that country after the concert. She was scheduled to do some photoshoots and film some commercials. She was always contacted by Baekhyun. After she stayed on his house last month, they were already keeping in touch with each other. Informing of what they are doing, what did they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and how they end their day for those tiring schedules.

She was on the beach lounger, sitting beautifully while staring at the ocean view infront of her. She's wearing her black sunglass to prevent the sunlight to hurt her eyes. The production team gave a ten minutes break after the shoot. She was also tired but there's still another shoot coming after the break. Drinking her lemon juice on a glass, she immediately grab her phone to take some photos on the view. Instead of posting it on her social media accounts, she quickly tap the sent button on Baekhyun's number.

She smiled as she immediately got a reply coming from him. They filled that ten minutes break for their exchanging replies to each other and just stop when the team already called her for a retouch.

Taeyeon already spent two days for the photoshoot and commercial filming. Her manager became strict to her these days and confiscated her phone just to focus on her job. She complained on it when she realize that she hasn't replied to Baekhyun yet. But her manager didn't let her touch her phone then hide it on his pocket.

She just roll her eyes before walking towards the seashore to continue the shoot.

It's already 9 in the evening when they all wrapped up their things then call off the shoot. Atlast,the shoot has finally ended and it means that they're going back to Korea tomorrow.

Taeyeon was already on her hotel room when she suddenly remember her phone. She immediately went out to look for her manager outside the hotel. She heard earlier that they are going to have a drink on the seashore just near the hotel. Taeyeon thought that she could find her manager immediately but she was wrong. The shore was crowded that she didn't expected.

People in this late night of the evening still have the energy to have some party at the shore. Colorful lights hurt her eyes that makes her cover her face to avoid it. She had bump with the people whose enjoying the night before getting out from that crowded place. She immediately look for her manager and the production team but she can't find anyone. She started walking on the side of the shore, not knowing the direction that she takes.

She even doesn't know where her feet could bring her. All she thinks is to find her manager. She badly needs it right now. She stop walking when she saw the end of the path. There were no shores at all. Her eyes darted at the dark spot where large trees and long bushes are.

She could just turn around to go back from where she really is but her feet has its own mind to take a step forward then enter the woods. Her mouth formed a big 'O' when thousands of fireflies welcomed her eyes. She keeps on walking and did not even think to go back. It seems like she was already hypnotize by the fireflies. The lights coming from the fireflies has it's own style. There were red, yellow,green and even orange.

A little drops of water fell on her head and the fireflies were scattered everywhere. Probably finding a place to hide for their wings and lights won't be damage. She stop staring on those beautiful fireflies when a heavy rain started pouring. The fireflies were already gone because of the sudden rain. She started walking to go back but it took her so long to find the direction on how to exit that wooden place.

She started panicking as the heavy rains was still pouring and it making her all wet. A sound of cockroaches behind the bush, the sound of a crying frogs makes her annoyed the most. The scary lightnings and a loud thunderstorms scare her the most. All she need to do for now is to find the right direction of the forest for her to get out. She shivered as the cold coming from the rain envelopes her whole body that she immediately hug for her to get a little warm.

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