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It's been a couple of weeks and I'm finally getting used to being here. I still haven't slept with yoongi or even shared a kiss yet. Whenever we are close to each other I can sense he wants me but I'm always hesitant. He hasn't been bad yet as far as I can tell. There was only one complication, when one of the lower level deltas thought I was some random girl and tried to touch me. Yoongi did not take that very well. You could say we have one less delta than before. We still haven't been crowned yet because he wants me to be sleeping with him when we do. "You're not comfortable yet" is all he says when I ask about it or when anyone does. It has to happen soon or else the elders will be sending a replacement alpha until yoongi decides to finally take his place and become the alpha. If that happens, it will only mean the death of that alpha. Yoongi does not react kindly to following orders especially if it's about being an alpha.
In good news, he finally lets me talk to Jimin alone. As long as he knows of course but that's only because we're not mated yet. I've met the other members of his close group which are Namjoon a delta, Jin a healer, and Hoseok a hunter. I think Jungkook would love to be around them and maybe even his best friend Taehyung. All of the guys are all very kind to me but also very distant for their survival.
Namjoon: Y/n, come to the town now!
I heard him yell from downstairs. Quickly I ran down the stairs and out of the door catching up with Namjoon. We ran through the town and stopped at the training site. Yoongi wasn't in control of himself. Many lower level deltas laid dead below his paws while another one tried to run for his life. I didn't think much before running into the center with them. I'm a crazy woman! I used my hand to keep some distance between me and yoongi as I tried to get closer to him. He stayed still watching my actions. I'm definitely scared he's gonna attack me because he's not in control, his alpha is. As I got closer he smelt my hand but my scent wasn't good enough. He took my arm in his mouth and threw me behind him. I groaned in pain as I got up holding my now severely bleeding arm. He hurt me for the first time. Namjoon and Jimin were by my said within seconds trying to help me.
Y/n: help him
I said quietly watching yoongi shred another delta.
Jimin: but you need help!
Y/n: I don't care what I need! Help him!
I yelled at him making him finally go help his alpha. Jin came and got me and took me home. He fixed up my arm as much as he could.
Jin: you know he didn't mean to
Y/n: I know
When he saw that I didn't want to talk he bowed and left me alone. I looked at my bandaged arm and thought that I should be afraid of him but I'm not. I would go right back out there and do it again if I could. The wounds weren't that bad and I know he's gonna hate himself for this. I stood up and walked into my room laying down in bed. I wasn't tired, I need to keep my arm still as much as possible.
After a while I heard yelling from outside of the house. It was Namjoon and Jimin talking with yoongi. He seemed to be himself again. They're yelling about me. Yoongi looked like he just got shot by the look on his face. He cares about me but he's still unpredictable. The doors opened and shut all throughout the house until my door opened revealing yoongi.
Yoongi: I am so sorry!
He dropped to his knees right in front of me with tears falling from his eyes. He held the arm he bit and placed kisses all over it as he cried. About an hour ago I would have never thought I'd see him cry after what he did.
Y/n: I'm fine yoongi
Yoongi: n-no you-you're not! I hurt you!
With my good hand I whipped his tears that fell down his cheeks.
Y/n: it wasn't you! It was your alpha
He didn't say anything, only wrapped his arms around me and rest his head on my lap.
Yoongi: I am a monster!
He cried out in a sob. It hurt me to see him cry like this. Or to call himself a monster.
Y/n: no you're not! You're my mate and I wouldn't change that for the world!

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